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I really don't like telling this story. I never, ever will. But it's a good story. It's the story of my teenage life.

That's kinda a cheesy way to start telling a story, I know. At least it gets better.

At least I hope it does.


I was starting my day like you start every other day.

My alarm clock blared in my ear, and I rolled over and slapped it off. Than I hopped out of bed, and pulled the sheets up to my pillows.

I ran into my bathroom, turned on the cold water in the shower to wake me up, and scrubbed my teeth real quick. Then I stripped out of my PJ's and hopped into the shower.


Once I was out, I threw on a blue and black striped shirt, a nice one that could be considered decent. Than I threw on a pair of ripped jeans and some black heels that the teachers wouldn't notice.

I grabbed my backpack then was running out the door to hop on the bus.


I can't really write, so plese tell me if it's any good!

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