Part One-Color Me Yellow

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Color Me With War


Part One-Color Me Yellow

Part Two-Color Me Gray

Part Three-Color Me Red

Part Four-Color Me Blue

Part Five-Color Me White

Color Me Yellow


I simply sit in the middle. Humans live a miserable existance. I am life. I choose when to end life. I just call, and death comes, hovers near, and their life, extinguished. But death is tired. Would you get tired? Endless work and travel. I'm his boss. And he only extinguishes hope. Life. Breath. He does not choose what happens to the souls.

I would be tired.

I am tired.

Humans are tired.

Life is tired.

But it still manages to keep it's hold in the world.

And it stubburnly exists.

Especcially in the story I am about to tell you.


I saw the boy walk down the street. Poland. He thought, Why must we wear these stars? Stupid yellow stars. Because I'm a boy? Because I have dark skin? I know why. They know why. Because. I'm. A. Jew.

A filthy ugly Jew with dark eyes, dark hair, no life, no past, no present, no future! No hope. No one cares.

I was surprised. The boy could be no more than 13.

Already without hope.

This boy was David.

He worked his way to a house in the slums. He unlocked a rusty gate and stepped in.

Two young girls, no more than four, ran up to him as he walked in.

"David, David, David!" the older one shouted.

The little one just trotted over and reached her grubby little hands up to him.

"Ester, how is Momma?" David asked the elder.

"Mommy wants to talk to you." Ester said it in her adoring little girl way. "I think it's about that Christina girl. She's a goy!"

"Maybe she is. How are you and Yvette?"

"Go David! You already have her in a mood by being late. She Is ready to spill over!"

Ester was right.

Yvette clutched his arm and followed him in.

"Go Yvette."

Mamma's voice was ragged.


Yvette did not release her steel grip on David's arm.


Mamma ran over and dragged her off, slapping Yvette on one cheek, then repeating it on the next.

Yvette ran off sobbing, tiny rivers running down her face.

She ran outside to a waiting Ester.

"Mamma, why do you want me?"

"Your late. Sit."

David sat.

"What's going on between you and that goy?"

"Her name is Christina."

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