2-Black Magic

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My cabin is always crowded.

There are six cabins here at Campertree. I am in cabin five. Cabin one has Ares and Apollo children. Athena, Posidon, Zeus, and Demeter are in cabin two. Cabin five has minor gods like Hectate, Nemisis, Nike, Iris. That lot. Hades is next door in cabin six.

I walked into my cabin.

Ella and Tom were not in my cabin. It's a tiny space, as they all are, and there were four stacked bunks. It was like living on a submarine. We did have the most kids in our cabin. Everyone had somewhere to store their clothes and stuff.

I was looking for my trunk, and my mail box. I saw the new kid, Ted, walk in. He walked up to me.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"Where is my bunk, my mail slot, and my trunk?"

"How would I know? I don't exactly run the place!"

"Sorry." the new kid muttered.

"Just look. It's all labled with your name. Which is..."


"Great. So Ted, just look for your name. Who's your parent?"

"They told me Nyx. But that's not my mom. My mom dropped me off here. What is with this place?"

"Entrance to Olympus. And yea, that has to be your mom."

"What is with you people? Your all freaks! And now your telling me my mom is not my mom? Wait-Olympus?"

"Yea." I said.

"Wow." he breathed. "What is this place?"

"I told you. It's the entrance to Olympus. And your the child of a god. Nyx."

He looked at me like I was some kind of alien creature.

"You. Are. Nuts." Then he stormed out of the room.

I sat down on my bed. It was one of the few that only had one bunk over it. Over me was a Eris girl named Holly. Under me was empty. Since it was the closest thing to a bench for me and

Holly, we sat there.

The cabin was still pretty empty. Most people tried their best not to mill about in here. To stuffy. Amazing that the gods make it so tight down here and not like Olympus.

Why would you want to punish your kids?

I started searching my bookcase for my pendant. My mom had given it to me last time we visited Olympus. That was six years ago.

I groped in my stack of balled pajamas and tee shirts, then peeked in the nooks and cranies between lesson books. When I gave up in desperation, I decided to once again attempt summoning magic. (Hectate is the god of Black Magic.) I pulled my fingers along the spines of my lesson books. I finally stumbled upon Black Magic. I was currently the only child of Hectate. She didn't have a lot of kids. Since the camp opened, I was only the second. But most of the minor gods didn't have a lot of kids.

I flipped through the index. I found Summonings on page 674. It said to say Pacru Natpata and to think of the item you wanted with all of your heart. I thought of my locket, with a swirl of ivy writing my name. I thought of my mom's picture and mine, side by side inside the the locket. I couldn't quite picture her face, though. I thought of the tiny clasp that I always played with. I thought of the black and gold and bronze of my locket.

I heard a wizzing, and the locket, chain and all, came whizzing to me.

I opened it up to my mom's face and my own. But I gasped and started crying. The only picture I had of my mom was a mutilated piece of paper, shreded into bits, slight bits of gloss still intact. Was this the result of not being able to picture her face right? I didn't normally dabble into magic, so I had no clue.

I hugged my prized and ruined possesion to my chest.

Holly walked into the room, her best friend Ash, a daughter of Eris, dragged behing her. "Hi Alex!" she called.

As they walked over to my bunk to sit, I grabbed Black Magic and my locket, and stalked out, slamming the screen door behind me.

I walked up to the hill, the wind freezing my face where my tears had cut their paths. I plopped down on the grass. I laid on my stomach and stuck my feet in the air. I proped my head up on my hand, and started thumming through the index of my book.

"Fixing charm, fixing charm," I muttered. "Ugh! Not in here. Okay, reparing spell, reparing spell," and still didn't see it. "Fudge!"

Okay, you must think I'm crazy. But I swore to myself never to use swear or curse words. Even stupid and idiot are bad in my opinion. But just because I dress goth doesn't mean I am one. I am the daughter of the god of black magic. I kind of have a reputation as a black lover to uphold!

My hair whipped into my face with the wind. I lifted my hand off the book to brush it out of my face.

The book flew away. A rumpled paperback with a torn cover and dog-eared pages tumbling in the wind.

My last link to my mom was gone.

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