1-The New Boy

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I always knew when something was wrong.

Ella and Tom were my only best friends. So I could easily tell when something was wrong.

It also helped that all three of us were half god.

My lucky luck was that I could read minds, and emotions, and I could do plenty of other stuff besides.

So I felt Tom's anxiety.

He was lying on the ground, his head resting on my side. I had my head on my paws-now don't jump to the conclusion I'm a werewolf or something. I'm a shapeshifter. And at the moment, I was a large black panther. So I had my large, black, fuzzy head that you wouldn't want to scratch unless you wanted to visit the hospital, laying on my paws.

Ella was sitting on the grass a little bit away from us. Her platinum blonde ringlets and silk dress were enough to tell you she was important. Her gray eyes were sharp, quick, and harsh.

"Alex?" she said sharply.

I sucked in a breath, and Tom's head hit the ground with a thump. "Hey!"

"Totally not sorry." I told him. I felt the anger roiling inside him. Anger directed at me. He had a snarl at his lips. I laughed at him, now human. He wasn't exactly a son of Ares. He was a true mama's boy, a son of Demeter. He had brown-gold-reddish hair, brown eyes, and a sweet smile. But he looked nowhere near remarkable. And nowhere near threatening. I strode over to Ella. "What's up?" I asked her.

"Look." I followed to where her finger was pointing. A slight boy about our age with brown hair and tons of freckles all over his face had just gotten out of a car. His mother was arguing with Chad.

"But the sign says open to our children!" the woman exclaimed.

"Yes, but your son is not legible for our camp." Chad said.

"Why not?"

"It's only open to people who have had papers and forms filled out. This camp-" he motioned his hands-"Is very, very private." Boy was that right. Our camp was the entrance to Mount Olympus.

"My son is going to go to this camp. Whether you like it or not!" She said in a huff. "My husband's dying wish was that this boy-" She pulled her son in front of her-"Was to attend Campertree camp, like he did, when he turned 15. My husband loved this camp. He was always ranting on about how much he loved going to camp in the summer, and all his camp friends. My boy is going to come here and stay the summer, and I'm not leaving until he can stay!"

"Boy, can that woman rant!" I whispered to Ella.

Chad looked the boy up and down. Doubt crossed his face, but he pushed himself to form a smile. "Fine. The boy can stay. As long as you come with me and fill out the paperwork."

"Oh, thank you!" cried the woman. And she walked off after Chad with a large, real grin plastered across her face.



I was looking around, bewildered. There were people milling about everywhere. There were three kids lounging on a hill, several kids strolling along a walking path, what was that path made of? I shaded my eyes. It looked oddly like marble. Then there were a couple of kids in by a group of cabins, and a bunch gathered around another area full of picnic tables, on what again looked oddly enough like marble. I started hiking up the hill to ask the kids there what the pavilion was tiled with.

They totally saw me coming. I was starting to have regrets about asking such a stupid question like what is the pavilion made of? Why would they even know? They were just fellow campers. And the blonde and boy looked okay, but the second girl didn't exactly give off a friendly aura. She had short black hair, black eyes, ivory skin, and really dark makeup. Somebody who you would think had to have piercings or tattoos hidden on her body. But she didn't seem to. She had on black jeans-Who but goths and emo's wears them? She had to be either goth or emo. She also had a leather jacket, a tee-shirt with a skull, and netted socks going into 3 inch leather heels. I could tell she was the bad girl. The blond in the white silk dress-Was that silk? Who would be dumb enough to sit in grass while wearing silk?

"He just called you dumb." Gothie stuck out a black-fingernailed finger and pointed straight at me. Her nice looking blonde friend glared at me.

"Oh, you've got it coming," the blonde snarled at me. "Me? Dumb? Two things that should never go together. Buddy, I don't even know how you got in, this camp is sooo super private, but hear this: I'll have you out in a minute. No one calls me dumb!"

"Ella, calm down, please!" the boy begged. His brown eyes were warm and pleading, and I noticed that he was the only one here that was dressed slightly normal. He had on jeans and sneakers- Ella, the blonde, was barefoot-the only thing that was odd about his outfit was that his maroon tee shirt said 'Apollo Shines! His Stardom Is Better Than the Other Stars!' I wonder if he was in a bet. That was some weird claim on his tee.

"How can I calm down! No one has called me dumb for over fifty years!" Ella screamed. Boy, this girl was wacked.

"Ells, lets go." Said the boy. They started off, the boy walking, Ella stomping. Boy, that must really hurt her feet.

"Not really." I stared at gothie.

"What?" I muttered.

"And I'm not goth, for your information." I stared at her. Then I started down the hill. I was going searching for some normal people.

"It's marble." She said. "The walkway."

And then I was running down the hill, into the crowd in the picnic table pavilion.

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