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My name is Elizibeth. Beth Andrews for short. Most people call me Liz.

I led the average life, if you call being a slave the average sterio-typical life.

Do you want to hear when my life went wrong? Before I was even born. My dad had been in the military. He was called over seas before my mother knew she was pregnent with me. When her belly was watermelon round, she got a notice saying my father had been shot and killed.

So my mother raised me on her own. When I was three, Mom met Ned. I adored him. He treated me like I thought my father would have if he were alive. It was the happiest day of my life when Mom told me she was marrying him.

About half a year after they got married, mom found out she had cancer. The docter told her she only had a year or two left to live.

I was five when she died. Ned was heartbroken. I kind of was too.

We picked up then and moved with his job from Brittish Columbia to Texas. Because of this, he was now working all through the week. I only had my weekend to play with him now.

Then he thought that I would be happy having a sister. He searched on the web and found a girl named Martha. She was in an orphanage. In San Francisco.

So we moved there.

I started 2nd grade there. I met my current ex-bestie Malory. We became best friends. Ned brought home Martha.

Then, when I was eight, Ned met Luise.

He dated her for two years before he got married to her.

When I was thirteen, Ned died in a car accident. Luise took over. I finished the school year. She finished the leagal work. Then we moved. To NY.

Yay Yay Yay! Of course not.

Her and her ugly twin daughters, Casy and Kim, are horrid.

By the time my fourteenth birthday passed, I didn't even have a bed.

And Martha had moved out to colege.

I slept in an empty basement on a sheet.

I feel like Cinderella. Except I didn't win a prince.

I'm just Liz.

And I'm loosing everything. (Well, beside my slipers)

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