Chapter Three - Masquerade Ball

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Hey Followers,

So I didn't really know what to do in this chapter but I'll try to make it interesting.

Again, if you haven't read the other chapters (Chapter One - My Savior, Chapter Two - The Trick) I suggest you read those but no pressure :)



Rhys and I stood from where we were laying next to The Rainbow. He took me to a restaurant, in Velaris, where the rest of the Inner Circle - including my sisters - joined us.   

Mor was making conversation with the others. I chose to look out the window at the sun in the center of the sky. It was only one in the afternoon.

Are you OK? Rhys asked.

I'm fine. Just shaken up I guess. I replied.

Do you need to leave? We could go somewhere more...private. He said with a smirk.


You know you love me.

Everyone else had stopped talking and were staring at us. I felt my cheeks go hot and quickly excused myself. Mor followed me. 

"What's going on Feyre, your acting strange. What exactly happened in Cassian's room?" Mor asked. 

"Nothing", I replied,"I don't want to talk about it".

 She sighed and walked away. 

I walked out the doors of the restaurant, and didn't turn back.

I started running as I heard Rhys calling my name. Tears fell down my face. I didn't know why I was running, just that I couldn't stay in that restaurant any longer. 

I didn't want Rhys to assume the worse so I caressed our bond and said I'm fine. I just need to think. 

You can talk to me. Tell me what's wrong. Your worrying me Feyre. 

I'm sorry. Was my only reply.

Come back and we will talk, in private.

I turned around and walked back to the restaurant and saw Rhys waiting. He beckoned me and we walked silently back to the manor. 

We walked into the library and sat down on a plush sofa. "You can trust me Feyre. Whatever is said here will not be spoken of to anyone", He said.

I nodded my approval and spoke my mind to him. I told of him memories I hoped would soon be forgotten. I told him about the horrors I have endured over the years. I told him my most locked up secrets and fears. I told him everything. 

He didn't judge, criticize or laugh. He sat and listened only interrupting whenever he needed a explanation or clarification of something. 

When I was finished he sat up and looked at me.  "I love you", were his only words.

Before we could wander off topic I had to ask some questions.

"My first question is about this masked ball." I said.

"Ah yes. The Masquerade Ball. You will receive an anonymous invite, along with a dress, shoes, mask and jewelry. Your hairdressers will have a certain style to do that has been requested by your partner. All you have to do is dress up, put on the mask and, at the ball, look for your parallel partner." He explained.

"My second attendance mandatory?" I asked

"No, but I assume that your partner would be quite upset to miss dancing with you, my darling."He purred with a smirk.

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