Jaehee Birthday Special

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Happy birthday Jaehee ~28 december is Jaehee's birthday~

This will be a short special chapter


"aahhhh which one of them looks good...this one? no no this? aahhh I've been here whole day and I couldn't find a present!", I cried out loud.
The store clerk stared at me from afar with a worried look.   'aaahhh first I dissapoint my parents now even a store clerk is dissapointed in me...I'm really hopeless.'

"Okay, calm down and think logically", I slapped my face. Jaehee likes coffee, so a brown necklace? Noooo that's too cliché. A necklaces with a coffee design on it? What.
That's a good idea. I guess.

I went to the clerk and asked for one.
magically the necklace appeared.
"Yes this, thank you very much." I thanked the clerk and rushed to the cake shop.

I burst into the cake shop to recieve the coffee flavored cake I ordered(wait wha), aahh I really hope she likes this. With that done I rushed to meet Zen to get the tickets to his show.

After I reached home it was almost  midnight, I took out my phone and began texting Jaehee.

'Happy birthday Jaehee! I'm glad that I've met you, I love spending every moment with you. Prepare for tomorrow cuz I have a suprise date  for you~' aaand send. I blushed madly while dying of embarrassment .

-The next day-

I jumped out of bed and ran at the speed of sound  to the shower and prepare for the date.

"Jaeheeeeeee!" I shouted as I ran towards her and embracee her.

"Let's go my love"

We brought a crepe from a nearby store and settled down on a bench at the park.
"Jaehee~ You got cream on your cheeks, let me wipe that off for you. " I leaned towards her and licked it off with a smirk.

"(y/n)...please, we're in public" Jaehee instanly turned into a blushing mess.
"Your so cute when you blush, Jaehee." I whispered into her ears, making her shiver a little.

Next destination~

"Jaehee look what I got", I swiped out the tickets and did a dramatic pose. "Tickets to Zen's show!"
Jaehee was so happy that she jumped around me while fangirling hard.

I have no idea how it look like so, time skip to MC's house

"Happy brithday Jaehee!" the RFA memebers shouted.
Each memebers presented their gifts to Jaehee and the party went on.

After tidying up the place, I walked up to Jaehee. "Jaehee come here", I took out the gift.
"Happy birthday my angel, this is for you." I handed her the box with both my hands.

"Ah, a necklace! Thank you (y/n), I really appreciate it, thank you." She hugged me tightly. "I love you"

The end

Thank you for reading this, have a nice day~

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