The Floof

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Jimmy- Pink wig, thick ass, give 'em whiplash!


Richard read the messages on his phone and hurriedly wiped off his makeup. He changed into a black tee-shirt and gray jeans before slowly taking off his wig and staring at it.

"We really screwed the pooch this time, Forte. We probably scared off Normal Boots, made things worse for Cake with Shane, Jared and PBG probably hate us, I don't see how Hidden Block could like us...we done bad..." He whispered sadly and put the wig away with the last of his confidence. He stared himself down in the mirror: his eyes looked dark and tired, his face was pale, and his stained lips were pulled down into a sad expression. He made note of his shirt. The pink checkmark next to Fabulous almost made him feel a bit better. Almost. He wished some of the other boxes were checked in. "Straight, no. Gay, yes. Bi, no. Trans, no. Unicorn, maybe? And of course, fabulous is already marked." He spoke to himself. His phone buzzed loudly on the table.

Jared-PBG, Jon, and I are playing Stomp in their room. Want to join?

Jared-Please Richard? <3 PBG

Jared-He stole my phone to say that...

Richard-It will be me; Forte is going to be gone for a while...

Richard-I'll be down there in a minute. Thank you for inviting me.

Maybe this would get his mind off of all the issues in his mind. He walked to PBG's, and apparently Jon's, room and softly knocked. Jared opened the door with his winning smile.

"Hello. We just got started." He stated smoothly and stepped aside. Richard walked in and sat on the floor by the couch. Jared hadn't mentioned how tired he looked, so at least he could hopefully keep everyone from worrying about him. PBG launched off the couch and tackle hugged the smallest boy.

"Richard~! Can you sing for us buddy?" He asked while smothering the curly haired child.

"I would prefer not. I haven't warmed up and I don't have anything to sing...and stuff..." He managed to say although it was muffled. Jon pried the rather affectionate string bean off of Richard and looked him in the eyes.

"Young man, to make your name in Normal Boots you must lay claim to victory." He stated as if he were an old man and handed Richard a remote. "It's dangerous to take the path that you are on; use this on your quest." He finished with a smirk. Richard smiled slightly and rolled his eyes. Jon sat down next to PBG on the couch and Jared sat on a beanbag near Richard as PuhBuhGuh started a new game of Stomp. Richard had played Stomp a few times and knew some of the characters; he selected Queen Nectarine and smiled for real. This would be nice. They played a warmup round of  1v1v1v1 before deciding to do a few simple 1v1s and declare a winner. Richard spaced out while Jared and PBG played. His mind was still overrun with thoughts of romance and his rights to move forward in his romantic life. Jared was the winner of that round, leaving Jon and Richard to duke it out. The gay picked Queen Nectarine again and huffed a sigh as the round started. The lives of both of them started ticking away as they clobbered each other. Richard managed to sidekick Jon's Picklechu off the stage, leaving him with only one life.

"What the fuck is this bullshit?! You are going to fucking get it girly!" Jon yelled as he respawned. Richard was honestly scared that Jon was going to hurt him physically well timed jump on Richard's part sent Picklechu flying off the edge of the screen. Jon stood up in anger and Richard flinched, pulling himself into fetal position. There was a knock at the door at the same time. No one noticed Richard's fear as he uncurled himself in time for PBG to open the door.

"Hey Jeff! We're playing Stomp. You want in?" He asked letting this supposed 'Jeff' in. A boy in a Hidden Block jacket walked in. Richard was mesmerized by his cheekbones; they seemed to continue on for days! He stood to allow Jeff to sit on the couch. Jeff moved towards the couch and stopped in his tracks as his eyes landed on Richard. They stood like that for a few seconds in silence.

"Can I floof your hair?" Jeff finally asked. Richard smiled and nodded. Jeff quickly closed the gap between them and ran his hands through the brown, curly locks. "There's so fluffy!" He exclaimed with the joy of a child petting a puppy.

"Dude, everything about Richard is adorable. He even has cute jammies." PeanutButterGamer informed as he patted Jeff on the shoulder. Richard blushed out of embarrassment but enjoyed the feeling of hand carting through his hair.

"Richard, you gotta come fight Jared. I wanna see a gay man win. You...are gay right?" Jon called from the other side of the room nervously.

"Yeah. Even if I was straight, people would still assume that I'm gay because Richard shortens to dick..." He confirmed and took a seat next to Jared on the couch. Richard tried, but he didn't win; he was too distracted by Jared's potential cologne and Jeff consistently running his hands through his floof of hair.

(The floof, the floof, the floof is on fire~)

He Left Sparkles in his Wakeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن