Cold and Warm (Ian)

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Richard pulled out his phone and began furiously texting the DnD group as he walked back to his room. He had been single for all of 12 seconds now, but he was so over Jared.

Health Pack- I don't think I'm allowed to play D&D with you guys anymore.

Dong Master- Get out of my group chat

Break your Neko Neko Knee Caps- What's going on? We finally have a perma healer.

Double Pistols and a Wink- Did something happen?

Mooseman- changes Double Pistols and a Wink username to James

James- Moosey you are going to be the first to die in our next campaign! Not even then! Just wait until I get back to the room.

Dong Master- He's not allowed to be within 10 feet of me. I don't want to even say your name, heathen.

Health Pack- Jared, I know you're upset, but you're being melodramatic. It was two weeks. We can both behave like adults and continue on with business as usual, or you can continue to be petty: your call.

#blessed- Guys? Why are you fighting? This isn't like either of you.

Dong Master- Don't you say anything! This is between us.

Health Pack- Fine. I'm not one to shit talk.

Richard quickly closed the chat and selected Ian's contact. He paused, walking out onto the lawn, before he tapped out a message. But Richard hesitated before sending it. He didn't want to bother Ian.

Mr.Moose- Just send the message for fuck sake.

lil boy- So, here I am needing to shit talk.

Mr.Moose- Seriously, what's up with you and Sparkles? I've never seen him act like this.

Mr.Moose- Seen. Heard. Whatever.

lil boy- Can I come over? It's a bit of a long story.

Mr.Moose- Don't tell James. 417. I'm ready to beat the shit out of Jared.

lil boy- YES

lil boy- I mean don't!

Richard felt relieved that he had accepted. A smile crept onto his face as he entered Bluebell. He slowly walked up the stairs and down the hall. Once outside of 417, he awkwardly shifted from foot to foot in attempts of building up the courage to knock on the door. As he raised his fist to rap against the wood, the door swung open. Richard leapt backwards and shrieked in fear. Stone faced Ian stood there for a moment and sighed.

"Just get in here. I waited a full minute for you to knock." He said with more force than was needed, but that was Ian. Richard ducked his head in shame. He quickly walked into the room. The door clicked closed, but was followed by a second click.

"Did...did you lock the door?" Richard asked softly. He felt slightly nervous to be alone with Ian in a locked room, but didn't know why. Ian had only been kind to him, in an Ian kind of way. The Hidden Block member gently rested his hand on his shoulder.

"Because James can be a bit spontaneous when he decides to come to the room. It can buy us some time if he gets back while we're talking." The moose moved around him and sat on one of the beds. Richard raised his gaze to see that the room was divided completely in half with tape a foot beyond the door. Ian patted the bed next to him. His eyes were softer than before, almost concerned. Richard moved and sat on the very edge as far away from Ian as he could. He held his body ridged and tried not to breath.

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