A Sour Note (New Dates Unlocked)

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Jared: Dump Boyfriend

How dare he call him scared and threaten to leave him! Jared clenched his teeth and balled his hands into fists. "You fucking bitch. How can you say you love me and want to leave me at the same time? How are you so calm about this?!" Jared spat. Tears began to run down his pink cheeks. His voice was being to get raspy from yelling. Richard felt a single tear drip onto his face and slowly wiped it away.

"I'm calm because I don't want to hurt you. I'm calm because I've been on the receiving end of this before. I'm calm because at least I can keep you from taking your life." His voice was quite and unwavering. Somehow, Richard did feel calm. He wanted Jared to understand.

"Don't want to hurt me? All you've done is cling to me for attention! The second I don't give it to you, you're leaving me."Jared opened his mouth to continue his rant but was cut off by Richard finally raising his voice.

"That is a lie and we both know it. And let's see, why could I possibly be clingy to one of the few people who has been nice to me at Asagao? I've been verbally, mentally, and physically bullied. I never got closure in my last relationship when it ended. And, oh yeah! My ex fucking jumped off his apartment building the day after he had to break up with me! I wonder why I could possibly cling to you and always ask how you are feeling?!" Richard took a deep breath and shook his head. He couldn't bear to look at Jared anymore, so he stared at the floor. "At least this time, I can make sure you're okay. I can still talk to you; and we can still be friends...to be honest, the past two weeks have been wonderful. Some of the best in my life. But...if this is who you really are: so proud that you can't admit that you are with a man or that you're scared of the future, we wouldn't be able to have a happy and healthy relationship." His voice was back to it's soft and gentle standard. Richard stepped towards Jared again and hugged him. "I'm so sorry that it had to be me. You deserve someone so much better."

Jared thought his anger began to subside as he cried. Tears rolled down his face and fell into the brown mop of hair he thought he loved. His rage spiked again and he shoved Richard away from himself. "Don't touch me! All you do is lull me into a sense of comfort just to hurt me. Give me back my bracelet and get out of my club room." Jared was seething. Richard skidded backwards and nodded slowly. He removed the green beaded bracelet that he had come to love so much and held it over his heart for a moment.

"You say our love is draining and you can't go on." He muttered softly and sat it on the closest desk. But before he could help himself Richard found his mouth already forming more words to the song. "You'll be the one complaining when I am gone."

"You're so happy that you're singing?!" The model bit out sadly. Everyone there was on an emotional roller coaster.

"We all have our way of coping with sadness. How do you think I got so good at singing?" He replied with a sad smile. Jared mouth the words 'Get out of here' because he was too choked up to say anything. Richard somehow found his mind back on this dreaded musical that he didn't even enjoy, but couldn't help but sing along as the music played in his head.

"Despite our estrangement, I have a small query for you. What comes next? You've been 'freed'." He gave a pair of finger quotes around freed simply because it felt right. "Do you know how hard it is to lead? You're on your own. (Awesome! Wow!)Do you have a clue what happens now? Oceans rise. Empires fall. It's much harder when it's all your call. All alone. Across the sea. When your people say they hate you, don't come crawling back to me." Richard held his head high as he belted out the lyrics and marched towards the door. He paused in front of the open door and looked back at Jared over his shoulder. "You're on your own." He ended the song and then closed the door behind him.

(I do not own, or even like for that matter, Hamilton. I just thought the songs were fitting and weren't too bad....ugh angst...This now unlocks the alternate partners for Richard to end up with, and some may surprise you. The different paths branch off from this point now. Also, this is like my shortest chapter ever and i'm sorry for that)

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