Chapter IV

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"So Aynie, I think it's just proper that I send you home." Oliver said as we walked along the dark corridors. There are still on going classes but the corridors looks like a set-up for a horror movie.

"Uhm. No thanks. My parents would kill you." He laughed oh so deliciously, I mean, wonderfully (If that's even possible) and shook his head.

"Maybe your boyfriend would." He said, his eyes twinkling and shining with the help of the moon (that's cheesy Aynie!) I tried turning on my phone but no luck. The battery is dead. WHY NOW???

"I don't have one." I replied. But I do have a husband.

"Oh. Uhm. Would you... go out with me.?" He said and my eyes went wide as the pacific ocean.  "You know, to say sorry for the incident? Like coffee or something?

Oh right.

"Yeah sure." I answered. "Erm, see yah around."

I started to walk away, taking the path of my lonely life when I felt a hand on my wrist.

"I shall take you home. It's dangerous." Oliver insisted. I was about to turn him down when I saw a group of thugs walking towards us. My heart seat rate suddenly increased as I held on his hand for my dear life. They scare the living daylights out of me.

"Good girl." He said and patted my head.

"What am I, a dog?" I joked and he chuckled, rummaging my head making it messier than it already is. My hair is smooth, wavy, and has no direction but it looks perfectly messy.

He led me to his hot orange sports car, which is the only car left. Dang, can I marry his car? Being a gentleman, he opened the door and I did a little curtsy. WE cracked up and how I wish Harry could do this for me. I had never rode with him before, and I think I ever will.

 I had never rode with him before, and I think I ever will

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"Whatcha thinkin'?" He asked as he started the engine. "And where am I taking you?"


Haven't thought of that.

"Uhm... Just a block away from the Palace." I said, hoping he would not ask for anymore questions. He shouldn't know that I live in the Palace or else I'll be dead.

"You sure?" He asked and I nodded. He looked at me and smiled.

"Eyes on the road mister." I warned him.

"Well, you're much more beautiful than everything I see." He said and winked. UGH. PLEASE STOP DOING THAT MY HORMONES IS MAKING ME CRAZY.

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