Hopeless - 22

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Two years and a half has passed and everyone is excited for winter break. We were already juniors in college, The wind was much more colder as time passes by. California wasn't as cold as other states, but the chill has been making me wear thicker clothes than usual. As it was winter break, excited chatter went through the house as everyone started packing for the upcoming break.

"Hey, Garret," one of my roommates, Patrick, called out, "you going home?"

"Yeah," I nodded at him. "Thompson and I are leaving tomorrow. What about you guys?"

"I'm leaving in two days, same as Patrick," Logan, another one of my roommates, called out. "When's Jace leaving?"

"Tonight!" He exclaimed, the other roommate walked around shirtless as he inspected us. "See you all next year, my men. Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year!" he grinned as be patted all our backs. I shook my head with a grin on my face as I watched him prance around the house, clearly getting excited how he's leaving college for a few weeks.

I turned towards my desk, only to see the Acacia and I's picture that I framed. A small smile formed as I took it. I haven't seen her for a while, now that I thought about it. We were all disappointed when we heard she wasn't coming home for any of the breaks, making an excuse that she was too busy to go home. It was expected that we were going to have very awkward moments, but I didn't want to be the cause for Acacia to not being able to spend time with our friends. Frowning, we all spent every break without her. She didn't say if she was coming, as far as I know she hasn't communicated with any of us ever since last fall. Besides Anne, I guess she just doesn't want anything to do with me.

"You, Daniel, better not be a single man when you come back from Winter Break," Jace put an arm on my shoulders before giving me a pointed look. He pointed his finger to Acacia's face on the frame, a smirk on his face. "I better see this girl by next year," he narrowed his eyes on me.

I sighed before setting down the picture, giving my roommate a look. "I don't even know if she's coming," I muttered as I continued packing.

"Sorry, man, she didn't say anything. I don't think anybody knows," Thompson gave me a solemn look as he leaned against the doorway of my room.

"When was the last time you talked to her?" Patrick asked.

"Never did since London," I answered with a shrugged.

A frown took over my face, clear how I missed her very much. Not much communication, not even birthday wishes or holiday greetings, has been exchanged ever since London.

Sensing my sadness, Jace clamped a hand on my shoulder, giving me a look that interpreted. "You gotta do what you gotta do," shrugging and leaving my room.

"Has anyone seen my phone?" Logan then called out before everyone groaned.

"You always lose you phone!" Thompson said as he help search for it.

College was great the first time we stepped into our dorm. We were able to meet Logan, Patrick, and Jace when they were all fighting in the dorm room in front of us. Introducing ourselves, we learned that Patrick and Logan is taking the same course as me and Jace is taking up business marketing. Since then, we've been friends, and we all decided to move into an apartment just before summer break, splitting the rent and utilities amongst us, seeming that we all have a side job.

We were all able to join some clubs. Every weekend we would go somewhere, either sneaking off and have some drinks or just go wherever we felt like going. We all jog in the morning, except Patrick liked to run a little earlier than us as he liked the solitude.

Patrick was the reserved one, very private but was always down to anything we were doing. He's very smart, but quiet unless he gets drunk. Logan is a dancer, very energetic and sometimes annoying, but he is fun to be with. Jace was considered the friendly chick-magnet, but the bad boy. He reminds me of Grey, but Jace is more outgoing and isn't tied to anybody at the moment.

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