Missing you (rachel + puck + ???)

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No one's pov:

Rachel was making out with Puck when Sam texted her:

Hey Rachel, I'll see you in two minutes. Remember to come to the choir room. Wear something beautiful. Well anything you wear will be beautiful.... love you, see you later.

Rachel sighed and got up. Puck put her in his lap, "hey princess, where are you going?" Rachel got up again, " I have to go somewhere." Puck then stormed away and said, "fine... I'll see you later......" Rachel texted puck,


Hey Noah. I saw your girlfriend fainting. Now, She is in the nurses office. Go check on her and tell her I said I hope she gets better.

Rachel walked to Sam and kissed his cheek. "I've been missing you." He said pinning her to a wall pressing his lower body area to her lower body area. "Yeah me too Sam but I have something to tell you..." Sam pressed his finger to her lips, "Shhh baby girl. Your in my hands. And we can talk about that after we-" Rachel widened her eyes, "Oh no! Sam we haven't done that in 10 months. And we aren't 'doing it' until I am ready... again." Sam kissed Rachel passionately. Rachel pulled away after a minute. "I think I'm seeing someone" Rachel said. Sam looked away and got off of her. "Well then tell Jesse congrats on having a beautiful girl."
Rachel twiddled her fingers, "the thing is it isn't Jesse. Its... your best friend. Blaine." Sam got angry. "Oh. Wow... um.. I hope your happy." He left. Rachel walked to her locker. Blaine leaned against kurt's locker. "Hello beautiful." Blaine kissed Rachel. "Um.. rach you smell like fish and jackets." Blaine said eyeing puck and Sam  oddly. Rachel pulled Blaine into a kiss, " there is nothing wrong" Blaine kissed her neck and Rachel mouthed, 'sorry' to puck and Sam. Blaine hit Rachel's sweet spot and she moaned. That got puck and Sam ticked off. Sam stormed away while puck pulled Blaine away. "Yo dude. No one said you can make out with berry in the hallway" Blaine untangled himself from puck and ran away. "I love you, Noah" puck shook his head picking at a loose thread on his jacket. "Well not enough," he walked away. Rachel felt regret. No matter what throughout the day was Regret. Regret. Regret. Regret. Rachel texted Mercedes:

Hey mercy. Are you alright? Also what if I told you I like someone else then Blaine. And what if those two were as, Sam and puck?

Then Mercedes texted back:

I would say go ahead. I mean anyway puck wants sex. And wants to touch my boobs. So you can keep him I'll text him that I'm breaking up with him. Then I'll say meet me in the choir room and you would be there instead. Alright?

Rachel went to the choir room to meet puck.

P: what are you doing here?
R: I heard mercy broke up with you. and your looking for a special someone.
P: and? That special someone isn't you!
R: then who is it?
P: um... Quinn. She wanted to meet me here. And we are going to go to the mall.
R: ok.
P: I'll text her she is late.

Puck texts Quinn:

Hey Quinn. Can you meet me in choir room now. And we are going to go to the mall. To get Rachel a present.

P: I texted her. So there!
R: ok bye Noah.

Puck was sad to see Rachel go. But at least he was getting her something. Rachel didn't leave yet. Just as she turned her heels Sam ran in and kissed Rachel. Which someone was watching. Blaine. Blaine ran in.

B: The hell?!

S: sorry dude. Couldn't contain myself.

R: Blaine come on lets go make out in my car.

Rachel pulled Blaine to her car and for sure they made out. Then puck texted rachel:

The hell rach? You can't go a damn hour without making out with bowties?

Oh shut up Noah! Your the one who broke up with me. So don't you dare talk about how I can't go a hour with kissing someone. I might as well put up a sign to kiss people. And lots of people would line up!


Ok. I dare you. And if santana goes to the stand you owe me $10.


if Brittany lines up you owe me $10


If they both line up you have to take them both on a date and make out with each.


Oh the bet is on!

Rachel looked at Blaine. "Blaine I have to put up something."
"Alright Rachel I'm going home."
Rachel got out her car and Blaine walked home. Rachel changed in her shortest skirt and a see-through shirt. Rachel put up the booth and puck and Sam we're first. Rachel rolled her eyes. "Didn't you two break it off." Then Sam said, "I miss you" Rachel kissed Sam then puck. Puck whispered in rachel's ear, "Remember the bet " Rachel saw Santana and smiled. Santana looked in Rachel's eyes, " Kiss me, berry" Rachel kissed Santana. Rachel put her hand out to puck for the money but Brittany got in line. "Damn" Rachel mumbled under her breath. Santana snapped her neck around to Rachel. Snix. " Is there a problem with Brit-Brit, Hobbit?" Rachel got scared, " no Satan. I mean San." Santana smiled, " I didn't think so." Brittany kissed Rachel and pushed her tongue in Rachel's mouth. Then Brittany pulled away, " a special someone told us..." Santana linked her pinkie with Brittany, "you have a night with us and do whatever we want you to."Rachel stuttered, "it's not like that-" puck nudged Rachel, "or you owe me $20" Rachel got pulled away by Santana and Brittany.

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