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When Latoria arrived back home she did not change back into her Jotun form, for she wanted to test out her new abilities more. She walked out of the palace and then across the land to a huge opening for there she believed was a good spot to train. She began redoing a few things she had done in Midgard. She lifted her hand up and directed it toward a huge ice boulder. She then she slung her hand to and green fire followed her hand and the boulder came off the ground and then fell. "Amazing,"she told herself. She then with one hand slung it back up and with her other hand she stopped it up in the air before it fell. "I may be able to do little things like that but I feel as if I could do more,"she said. She then headed back to the palace.

Latoria sat in her throne thinking of what she could do to strengthen her powers. She walked a few times around the palace to try to think. But she teen circled back tie her throne and sat down. An idea then hit her. "Asgard has a huge library in their castle, the must have some book about magic, so I will visit Asgard!" she said triumphantly. "How shall I get there?"she asked herself. "I will try calling for Hiemdal, it is worth a shot,"she said. So she walked across the lamp once more to a clear spot and yelled"Hiemdal!Gatekeeper of Asgard, open the bifrost!"she ordered. Oddly it worked and a golden beam came down on the icy land, right over Latoria and transported her to Asgard.

As Latoria stepped out of the portal, she saw a dark man with golden armor all ever him, holding a staff. "I made it,"she smiled happily. "Loki!?" the man's eyes widened. "What are you talking about?!"Laura demanded. "Guards!"the man yelled. "Do not dare to call guards after me!"she yelled at him but then four Asgardians,in silver armor came running to Latoria. One grabbed her right hand while the other grabbed her left. "Unhand me you fools!"Latoria yelled. Then one guard put iron hand cuffs on her hands while the other cuffed her ankles with a chain connecting the ones on her wrists and ankles. "I am a queen, you can not do this to me!"she yelled at them as they began guiding her to the palace. "Silence Loki,"one guard said on her right. "Who is this Loki you idiots are speaking of!?"she demanded to know. "Cut the act!"another yelled. "I am the queen of Jotenhiem so let go of me right now or you all will pay!"she yelled. "Loki!Stop!"one yelled. Latoria was extremely mad at that point so she tried using her powers but something kept her from using them. "You all will pay!"she yelled as they guided her into the palace. They soon passed an empty throne and Latoria raised an eyebrow at the throne, wondering why no one was sitting there. For she knew the Asgardians must have a ruler.

The guards then lead her into the prison. She saw many creatures that were either pacing inside the cells or slumped in a corner. They then arrived to a cell with a prisoner already in there. One guard looked at the cell a but confused until another one said"Its another illusion from Loki to think he was in his cell." They opened the cell and one guard entered with Latoria and then the cell was closed as the guard took the chains off of Latoria and then he left. The cell closed again as the man already in the cell got up and went over to Latoria to greet her but Latoria went over to the huge door of the cell and shouted"Come back you idiots!I do not belong here!I am a queen!You will die if you do not let me out of here!"she banged on the forcefield wall.

Latoria soon stopped and turned around to face the man. She then looked him up and down, he had black hair that ended a little past his shoulders. He had on a green v-neck long sleeve shirt and long green pants. "Y-your h-him,"she stuttered. "Ah, you have heard of me," he smirked. "You are the one who attacked Midgard, allowed the frost giants to enter Asgard and-"she stopped and got mad. She yelled"Helped Kill My Father!" "W-what?"he asked. "You will pay and so will your brother and all of Asgard!"she yelled again at him. "What do you mean?"he asked. "My frost giants will rip you and everyone else here, apart!"she yelled as she stepped a little closer to him to seem more threatening. "Your frost giants!?"he yelled back at her. "Of course! I am the queen of Jotenhiem,"she began to talk, not yell. "I am the ruler of Jotenhiem, I am Loki, the son of Laufey and God of Mischief,"he told her. "That is impossible!"she yelled. "How?"he asked. "I am the daughter of Laufey! So I am the ruler of Jotenhiem!"Laura yelled back. "Who do you think you are?!" Loki yelled at her. "If you do not shut your lying little rat face, then you will pay!"she yelled. "You have no right to speak to me like that!"he yelled. "That's it! I am done with you!"she yelled. She then slung him at the prison wall, hard. "You will pay for that,"he told her as he got up and used his own powers to sling her to the wall. She quickly got up and turned into her Jotun form and used her hand to form a sword, she charged at the prince. He managed to duck before the impact hit the huge prison doorway. "Come here, you puny Asgardian!"she yelled at him as she charged again. He again ducked and he chuckled. "You can't even get a decent hit,"he smirked at her. "You-"she was then interrupted as guards came and opened the prison cell and guided Latoria out. But Latoria wasn't giving up. She ran right out if the prison with the guards running after her. She then headed to the library and managed to get way ahead of the guards.

As she arrived in the library in the palace, she headed straight for the man at the counter. She held her sword hand to his neck as her other hand held onto the collar of his shirt. "Where does Loki study!?"she demanded to know. She had noticed that Loki used magic that she had used so she suspected him to have some books to study. "I-its in the b-back of the room, the diamond corner hidden behind s-shelves,"he said, scared by the sword near his throat. He had pointed tip the shelves to the right of him in the back. She walked to the area and three the shelves to the side and found a diamond shaped area with a few pillows around and a green chair in the back with a fee books by it, more like a lot though. She then started looking for something in the books to get her out of there. She then found a teleportation spell so she used it and teleported the books back home. She then turned out of her Jotun form. She was now in a long green dress and a furry long coat.

"Stop there!" someone yelled from behind her. She smirked as she stared forward, not turning around. "Oh, are you all talking to me?"she asked. "Do not try to play any games!"one guard said. She had remembered an illusion spell that she saw in one off the books that allowed her to make illusions of herself. She used the spell and a dozen Latoria's surrounded the room. They all turned around as the original Latoria did. They all smirked but then as one guard started attacking the Latoria's. They all said"Oh was this the game you were talking about? Bye, bye, sweeties,"they waved and smirked and then in a second they all disappeared as Thor, God of Thunder, entered the room, wondering what had happened.

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