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Mira POV

It's been a month.

Yup, it's been a month since I slapped Jungkook.

And I don't regret it a bit.

I think.

In this crazy hectic month, I have been ignoring Jungkook as much as possible. It's not that I haven't seen him at all, I have, but it usually ends with a fight. I can't even remember the last time I had a proper chat with him.

And I don't want one.

That day when I slapped Jungkook and hid in the janitor's closet, a lot of things went through my mind. A lot. And I eventually came to a point when I was wondering what I really felt for him.

I thought that I loved him.

Haha, even just thinking about the thought made me want to laugh before, but at that moment, the feeling felt real. Real enough to actually believe that I had fallen in love with the worst possible person that I could love.

And I felt the worst I ever could when I realized it. It made my stomach churn and my head all woozy, because I knew that loving him was wrong.


from the second I had realized it.

Wrong from the minute I wanted to love him.

Wrong from the moment that I debated if I should or shouldn't want him.

In the end, I decided I would not love him. Ever.

I would not want him.

And that I would no longer try to find out what my feelings are for him.

That's it.

But even I knew, that deep down I wanted him bad. Really bad.

So now here I am, forcefully dragged along to my cousins marriage, trying to forget the one person I promised myself not to think about.

Yet I'm still thinking about him.

"You look beautiful, noona," Min Kyu grins broadly and shows a peace sign.

I softly smile back, "thank you."

Taking one last worried glance at me, Min Kyu heads back to our cousins.

After I had slapped Jungkook that day, I went home and bawled my eyes out in my room. I thought no one could hear, but Min Kyu had heard me muffling my sobs into my pillow.

The following day he had found the guts to ask me why I was crying. I shrugged and told him not to worry to much.

Min Kyu was not satisfied.

But he stopped asking.

Can I be honest? I don't know why I was crying.

Was it because I slapped Jungkook. Or was it because of the way he insulted my dad. Or...was it because I knew I couldn't love him.

I eventually convinced myself it wasn't the last reason.

"Hey...noona...I think I saw Jungeun here!" Min Kyu exclaims enthusiastically.

"Wh-what?! Why would Jungeun be here?"

Before I could say anymore, Min Kyu headed of in the direction that the supposed Jungeon was in.

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