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I couldn't fucking stop crying.

I had completely destroyed her. I didn't even need her words to tell me how broken she was.

"I never want to see you again. I want nothing to do with you."

And there was no one else to blame other but myself. I tried to stop the tears by pressing my palms harder to my eyes, but it didn't help for shit. I had let my body sink to the floor and my back rested against the wall, my self-loathing growing bigger for every sob.

What I felt was the only thing in the world that mattered to me right now, just walked out the door, and I didn't even stop her. Trust me - I wanted to. I wanted to stop her from walking away, more than anything else. But how could I after everything I put her through? Her words kept repeating in my head like as if a hammer was bashing against my skull over and over again.

"I want nothing to do with you. I never want to see you again."

I hated myself. I hated myself for lying to her, about my life, about the contract. I hated myself for the hideous comments and absolutely disgusting remarks I'd let my mouth shoot at her. I'd called her a slut, a whore, worthless, if that's even to begin with. I hated myself for treating her like she had the worth of a piece of shit, when really - she was worth the whole entire world. I utterly and completely despised and hated myself for the 25 days of hell I've put her through.

From my weeping position on the floor I lifted my head from my hands and looked at Liam, who was still left in the kitchen, standing in complete shock and at loss of words. He let his mouth fall open to say something, but somehow it seemed like he couldn't get it out.

"Spare it, will you please," I scoffed at him, calmed down from my hysterical sobs but my tearducts still just couldn't seem to plug. "I already know what you fucking think of me."

I heard him make his way over to me, and when I looked to my right I found him on the floor next to me. We locked eyes and he let out a deep sigh.

"I'm suprised I haven't killed you yet," he said in a calm, sarcastic, whispering tone, almost laughing. I agree with him, not only did I put whom had become one of his best friends through a burning hell, but I'd been a sick bastard towards him too. Always ditching him to spend the night with some girl or to drink and party. I was happy to have Liam. I always was, even though my selfish and arrogant self never showed it.

"Oh please do brother," I turned my head to him that rested together with my back against the wall. But I didn't lock my gaze with his which he seemed to be out after. I looked anywhere except for his eyes. I was too ashamed, embarrassed.

"Mate..." I heard Liam's quiet voice from beside me. "You have to fix this," he said, and I knew he was right. I had to. I had to owe up to what I've done to her, what I made her go through.

"Harry, I... What the hell were you thinking? If you wanted a maid or a slave or whatever, you could've just got yourself one. You could've got yourself five fucking maids if you wanted to. Fuck, Harry. She's... You made her... Y-you just... That's..."

"...completely fucked up," I finished his sentence. And it was, everything, was just wholly and entirely and completely fucked up. Her words came back into my mind, once again hammering with all it's power - "I never want to see you again. I want nothing to do with you." I banged the back of my head against the wall, trying to get her broken words out of my thoughts, and suddenly the slowed down pace of my sobs picked up again. My hands trembled as I brought them up to cover my face.

Never before have a cried over someone. Never before have I had feelings for anyone, ever. The way I had cried for the past two hours suprised me. But it made me realise that everything I feel and have felt for her is real - I was in love with her. I was in love with every part of her. She was completely infuriating and she drove me insane to the max, but I loved her. I loved Alex.

25 Days With Mr. Arrogant - A Harry Styles fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now