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"Harry!" I shouted, trying to repeat my previous attempt to hold him still.

God, he was infuriating.

To my success, I actually managed to strongly wrap my fingers around his arms. He kept moving beneath my grip, trying to jerk away his arms and struggling to detach myself from him.

"I didn't sleep with him! Calm down! Can you sit down?!"

I felt his tense muscles soften under my firm grip as he stopped his movements to glare at me. His chest rose to let out a final breath before taking place on the kitchen stool.

"Thank you! God," I breathed. "No, I did not have sex with him. You think I'd lose it to anyone, just like that?" I ran my fingers through my hair, nails scratching at my scalp.

"Well did you blow him at least? Or did you only use your hands?" He spat.

I raised my eyebrows at him before I let out a puff. "You're unbelievable,"


Who the fuck is this lame ass coming up to Alex with his stupid fucking love songs?

I'm fully aware of how ridiculous I sound. But what if she's been seeing someone? It doesn't have to be this Kyle asshole in particular... It's been three months, and I wouldn't blame her if she was. I sure as hell don't deserve her.

The image of my last encounter with her douchebag ex flashed through my mind. I had knocked him to the ground the second he tried to wrap his arms around her. The thought itself is enough to get all of my blood boiling. I don't even want to picture her with anyone else.

I dropped my eyes along with my head to look down at my lap, trying to control the unnecessary anger throwing inside of me by pressing my fingers into my palms.

"I've been exhausted the last few months. Literally, I've gone completely exhausted from missing you. Look at me," her small voice echos through the room.

I had noticed a few changes in her apperance. Her eyes were red and bloodshot, with dark circles following. Her cheeks were more hollow and missed that glow she'd always carry. She had always been skinny, but body didn't fill the clothes like they usually would. She was beautiful, always, but there was pain reflecting through her body. And it's my fault.

"I've cried and cried and it's gotten to a point where I want to cry but I can't because there's nothing left… I am exhausted, Harry."

Her words were enough to shake some sense into me and calm me down. I let my lips press into a hard line as I returned my gaze to hers.

"Is this the part where you call me names and tell me how disgusting I am?" I heard her small voice crack.

It hurt hearing how wound up her voice was, but it hurt even more to hear her knock back all of the memories of me shouting and screaming at her, telling her how worthless she was and calling her names into my head. It hurt, yes, but fuck if I don't deserve it.

"Fuck, you're right," I murmured under my breath. She always was, but I always let myself get in the way of that.

"You mean I'm disgusting?" as soon as the words left her mouth I noticed how wrong my previous statement had sounded. I quickly reached for her forearms to pull her closer to me.

"No no no," I rapidly said, shaking my head, as I pulled her to stand in between my legs. "I didn't mean it like that. I'm an asshole,"

"Yeah, you are," she said pulling her arms away to cross her them. I'm suprised she still remained positioned between my knees instead of dragging me by the throat and shut the door in my face.

I gently took her hands in my own and ran my thumbs over her pale knuckles. "I'm sorry," I breathed. I wonder how many times she has heard that today...

"Thank you, you shouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly. You always do that,"

"I know. I guess I'm just jealous," I blurted before realising. Of course it was jealousy. I've always envied anyone, well any guy, who has got to the privilege to be her presence. But again, my ego always slips in the way of me confessing it.

"Why?" she gives me a light smirk. I'm happy the hard ice upon us is melting.

"Because he got to spend three months with you,"

"We didn't actually spend time together, we just see each other at work," she states.

"But still, he got to have you around every day," I might as well admit it all.

She flushes at my words and fuck if it isn't the prettiest thing I've ever seen. Her lips tug upwards and her cheeks are filled with a pink colour.

"I'm sorry, I'll buy you a new ipod," I manage to tear my eyes off the beautiful girl infront of me and glance over at the broken device on the floor.

"No you don't have to, I'll just get him to transfer the songs to my phone instead," she smiles at me again.

"You sure?"

"Yeah," she shrugs as she brings her arms to rest on my shoulders, locking them around my neck. It surprises me but I sure as hell don't mind it.

"Those were some lame fucking songs though," I bring my palms around her back to press her closer against my body.

"Really? I think there were a few One Direction songs on that thing," she playfully tilts her head at me and we both let out a laugh. "We really need to stop doing this,"

"This what?" I question. I do know what she's talking about though. It's been less than four hours and we've already argued more than I have with anyone ever.

"Fighting and then all off a sudden laughing, we need therapy," she chuckles.

"Yeah I guess we do," I just smile and listen at the beautiful sound of her laugh. I love seeing her like this, I love seeing her smile, she always should. I love her, I really do.

"Alex, can I kiss you?" I interrupt the melody of her laughing.


Because I'm in love with you, I want to say. Because after all this time I am still so ridculously in love with you, and I've missed you so, so much.

She should know by know that I want to kiss her all the time. Or maybe not? I'm actually not blaming her for questioning me, I haven't told her how I feel since I stepped through the apartment door, and I've cursed at myself a several times for not telling her.

I do love her. More than I thought I'd love anyone. But if I tell her again, will she run? Just like she did once before, or just like everyone does?

"Because I want to," I simply say.

Wrong. I want to kiss you because I love you.

"Okay," she says quietly and I bring my hands to cup her face.

I slowly press my lips to her warm ones and as always, a fire ignites inside of me. Her lips are soft and she tastes sweet on my tounge. To not bring it any further and ruin it, I gently pull away.

"Was that okay?" I ask her.

"Harry, you can kiss me whenever you want," my heart literally blows up at her words and I feel pathetic for blushing. I feel giddly inside but that's what she does to me. One second she drives me mad and the next I can't help but feeling like there's fucking flowers growing on my lips after her touch.

Fuck, this is what I'm saying. She makes me go insane.

"Alex, I need to tell you something," I breathe, knowing that what's next might change everything.

25 Days With Mr. Arrogant - A Harry Styles fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now