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Liam had left me with no words. I had no idea what was going to happen next. What, when or how. The idea of Harry standing in front of me was hard to picture. I let my mind imagine his eyes lingering on mine, his tall frame, hovering over me after stepping through the apartment door, but his actions were a complete mystery to my thoughts. I didn't know how he'd react, what he'd say or what he'd do. Or hell, if he'd even show up at all.

"You broke his heart," Liam's voice echos in my head and the pictures of Harry washes away. I found myself choking a bit on the thought of his words, and I broke into a sob. After all these days of feeling completely drained of emotion, everything suddenly hit me at once.

The three months of constant pain, longing for his voice, his touch, him.

It was impossible to fall asleep with peace and grace that night. Not because I had completely bullshitted my entire sleeping scheduele, because trust me, just as always - I was exhausted. My mind held on to one simple thought throughout the entire night; would he show up? My stomach turned at the two answers.

No. If he wouldn't, would that hurt more than if he actually would? I know I've already given him a signal to stay away, which I had told myself more than enough that I should. Not replying to the hundreds of messages he had sent me, atleast in the first two months, I shouldn't expect him to even think about standing at my doorstep.

Yes. And if yes, it could either go terrribly wrong, or perfectly fine with us ending up in each other's arms - just like in the parking lot where I'd last left him three months ago. Or just like every other time we had a fight. It would always end up with my arms aroung his neck and his strong ones around my waist, holding on to me with his life.

But did I ever want to see him again? Shit. Ofcourse I did.

I was so hoplessly in love with this boy and yet he had hurt me worse than anyone ever has. These days of lonliness and ache had just been a call for him to show up, in the back of my mind I knew that that was my only wish in the world at this point.

Yes or no, either way - it was a mess. I was a mess.

The worst part of walking into the journalism department each morning wasn't the dread of actually working or looking as if I'd come from under a bridge in my pathetic clothing and un-styled hair every time, it was walking into the room with the same feeling I fell asleep with. And this morning I felt worse than ever. Not once at this internship have I felt like myself or showed everyone what I'm actually capable of in the world of writing; the heights I was ready to reach, my actually talented self. I was not only disappointing my internship but also myself. I had worked so hard for this spot and dreamt about it for so long, but everything was tearing me apart so bad that working hadn't become my first priority anymore. I was surprised I hadn't been kicked from my internship by the company manager yet.

Kyle, which his name is, seemed to like me though. Despite my ways. Sometimes when I'd walk into the office, his blue eyes would meet mine and he'd make me lit up with a compliment about my apperance. Once in a while he'd come to my desk just to check on me and see how I was doing, and he'd often tell me how hard working and amazing I was. And it was sweet. And him being a charming, good looking guy, I have to admit it made my days a little less shittier.

But my perfect internship wasn't a place full of angels. When I set my things down today, there she was, as expected. Amber.

Trust me, she looked like an angel. But there had been a numerous times now since I started here that I've recieved rude and unnecessary remarks about either my dresscode, my papers, or everything about nothing. I hated her. But ofcourse there was my envy that held on to it too. She was wearing a tight skirt above the knee and a pretty red blouse that dipped dangerously low on her chest. Her hair was perfect, as always, and I consciously reached up to tug at the stands of my long, uncut strands. I felt like some sort of hideous creature walking into that office, with the people surrounding me dressed in their best and so polished. I forced myself not to look at Amber for very long, and instead sat down uneasily and began unpacking the contents from my bag. It hadn't been more than five minutes or so when my eyes caught something being tossed onto my desk - an iPod. I looked up to see Kyle leaning on the edge of my desk, smiling warmly at me.


"Heyy, Kyle," I forced a smile.

"So... Boss told me to give you this assignment," his eyes gestured att the object.

"Cool, what is it?,"

"Listen to the songs on the iPod, make an analysis on every song, that's all," I was surprised at the easy and quite different task I was given. I'd usually get big articles to re-write or just correct before they were sent off to be printed on paper.

"Okay, thank you. When do you want it done?,"

"Don't rush, just whenever, really. Leave it at my desk," he shrugged. I nodded and again, gave him a forced smile.

And ofcourse Kyle, the perfect angel that he is, would notice a fake smile. "Alex... are you okay?" he asked with concern in his eyes.

I nodded, trying to shake off my actual feelings. "I'm okay, thanks Kyle,"

"No you're not,"

"I am. Don't worry about me," I smiled again. Yes, forcing it.

"Please Alex. You're not okay, I can see it," he was right. I probably wasn't very good at shutting out my feelings and hiding them. I looked up at him, sighing.

"Look, I know you don't know me that well or anything. But I was assigned to take care of you here, and I consider you as my friend. So I'm here for you Alex,"

"Thank you," and this time when I let my lips curve upwards, it was for real.

"You know what, just go home. Come back whenever you're feeling okay,"

"Kyle... this is serious, I have a job here,"

"Internship," he corrected me. "besides, Mr. Carter won't mind, he's hardly here anyways, so I'm in charge,"

"I can't do that, I need the money,"

"Just take a week of or something, you need it. I'll make sure you'll still get your allowance. And the work you've done so far has been amazing, so,"

"I mean, I want to..." I admit.

"Alex," he glared at me. "Work from home if you want. Just do yourself a favour and get out of here, I'll see you next week, alright?"

"Alright," I gave in.

"If there's anything, give me a call," he said while pulling me into a warm hug.

"Thank you,"

I quickly gathered my things that I'd set down for not more than half an hour ago, and began making my way home. It felt selfish taking this opportunity to pass work. But Kyle was right, I wasn't fine. And I didn't give me very best when I felt like this, even though no one else but me knew it.

But things would've been different if I hadn't decided to give in to Kyle's argument and stayed at work. Because just as I stepped into the apartment, my heart dropped. I couldn't think, I couldn't speak, I couldn't breathe. And this was beyond the enounter I had with the brother of whom was standing in front of me. There he was. The person I had fallen so ridiculously and hoplessly for in the space of 25 days, and the person I had missed with every aching fiber of my body for three long, heart breaking months. There he was.


25 Days With Mr. Arrogant - A Harry Styles fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now