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PlantedPhil: hey...

DanTheStar: hai!

PlantedPhil: why are you so happy? aren't you mad bc I ignored you??

DanTheStar: no, not anymore. PJ told me that you were having some problems with your family and yeah...

PlantedPhil: he did?!?

DanTheStar: well, he didn't tell me anything about it if that's what your thinking!!

PlantedPhil: *you're, and oh, that's...yeah, good.

DanTheStar: yeah, and did you seriously correct me??

PlantedPhil: yes, you used the wrong 'your'

DanTheStar: wOw great, great job, you meanie! ;(

PlantedPhil: I'm just teaching you better grammar!! you'll thank me when you pass English bc of me!!!

DanTheStar: lol no I won't! XD

PlantedPhil: *rolls eyes*

DanTheStar: ...

DanTheStar: grammar nazi!

PlantedPhil: r00d

DanTheStar: :)

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