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danisnotonfire: Phil!

danisnotonfire: PHILIP!

danisnotonfire: PHILIP LESTER!

AmazingPhil: calm down, I'm here!

danisnotonfire: good! I've got something to tell you...

AmazingPhil: is it bad??

danisnotonfire: nope, it's about our dance!

danisnotonfire: this Friday, football (soccer) stadium at school, 19:00.

danisnotonfire: be there!

AmazingPhil: will do! ;)

danisnotonfire: I also have something else to tell you...

AmazingPhil: yeah?

danisnotonfire: you know Chris, right?

AmazingPhil: yeah...?

danisnotonfire: before we started dating, I asked him for advice...

danisnotonfire: and it's funny, but he knew that I was talking about you.

danisnotonfire: he said to buy you red roses because it's "classy."

AmazingPhil: aww, he's a smart one.

AmazingPhil: does he have a lot of experience with relationships?

danisnotonfire: well, he's snogged half the girls in our grade by now, if that's what you mean.

AmazingPhil: omg, really?! XD

danisnotonfire: he brags about it...A LOT!

danisnotonfire: anyways, I was wondering...

danisnotonfire: does PJ know about you being gay??

AmazingPhil: not exactly...

AmazingPhil: his family doesn't support the LGBT+ community.

danisnotonfire: oh...

danisnotonfire: then he doesn't know about us...

AmazingPhil: yeah...why?

danisnotonfire: oh, I really shouldn't say.

danisnotonfire: but...Chris likes PJ.

danisnotonfire: kinda like us...

AmazingPhil: oh? but I thought he liked girls??

danisnotonfire: well, he says that bc he doesn't want to be viewed as "a pussy."

AmazingPhil: oh...

AmazingPhil: you should probably have Chris steer clear of PJ since I think PJ is close-minded too...

AmazingPhil: I'm not sure bc we've only ever talked about the LGBT+ community once, and that's when I found out about his family.

danisnotonfire: yeah, guess I'll go tell Chris now...and he'll probably drown himself in girls again, like always...

AmazingPhil: jeez...good luck!

danisnotonfire: thanks! xx

Author's Note: Ohh, more drama! XD I made PJ's family anti-gay, but is PJ??? Tune in tomorrow (or whenever I write a chapter about it) to find out! Wow, I suck at author's notes! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! xx

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