18 1 1

danisnotonfire: hey! ;)

AmazingPhil: haha XD why are you so happy?

danisnotonfire: guess who can come to the dance!

AmazingPhil is typing...

danisnotonfire: me!

AmazingPhil: hey! you didn't let me guess! :/

danisnotonfire: sorry...

AmazingPhil: XD

danisnotonfire: you excited? I guess I am...

AmazingPhil: oh? I thought you said, and I quote, "dances are the cumulation of all evil in the world thrown into one big witch's cauldron!!"

danisnotonfire: hehe...you have good memory!

AmazingPhil: more like good copy-and-paste skills!

danisnotonfire: wOw, your that lazy?!

AmazingPhil: *you're, and that lazy?! I am NOT lazy having to go through our extensive chat we have!

danisnotonfire: true...

danisnotonfire: and you're correcting me again?! For shame, Philip, for shame!

AmazingPhil: you're shameful for not knowing how to use the correct 'you're!'

AmazingPhil: and you've already made this mistake before!

danisnotonfire: c'mon, Phil! you know I don't understand english grammar!

danisnotonfire: with their stupid 'you're' and 'your!'

AmazingPhil: then ask me! I'll help you!

danisnotonfire: cool...thanks!

AmazingPhil: no problem!

AmazingPhil: btw...

AmazingPhil: my favorite type of flowers are roses! ;)

Author's Note: Ooh, Philip! You're such a saucy boy! Sorry for the late update! My day's been hell...yay. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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