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AmazingPhil: hey, mate!

KickThePJ: hi...

KickThePJ: you haven't texted me in a while...

AmazingPhil: I know...sorry about that.

KickThePJ: why?

KickThePJ: have you been too busy?

AmazingPhil: umm...not exactly.

KickThePJ: is it Dan?

AmazingPhil is typing...

KickThePJ: it is, isn't it?

AmazingPhil: yeah...

AmazingPhil: I didn't realize I hadn't texted you since February!

KickThePJ: Phil, it's May now. get your fucking priorities straight!

KickThePJ: here's my question...

KickThePJ: do you want to be friends?

AmazingPhil: I do want to be friends!!

AmazingPhil: but in order for us to be friends...I have to tell you something.

KickThePJ: what is it?

AmazingPhil: it's better I tell you in person. meet me at the park in 15 min.

KickThePJ: fine.


Phil sighed once he read PJ's text and headed out of his house by climbing out of his window, so he didn't have to deal with his dad right at that moment.

"PJ, where are you going?" His mother asked, rosy pink cheeks shining with sweat from standing up and cooking all day. "Dinner'll be ready in a hour."

"Out, mother. I'll be home for dinner." He answered her before taking his leave.

"You better!" She called out before the front door shut.

As Phil arrived at the puke green colored park, he saw PJ's lanky body walking towards him.

"Hey, PJ." Phil smiled awkwardly.

PJ just sat down at the bench they were standing by, and Phil followed suit.

"So...what is it?" PJ sighed, rubbing his eyes.

As Phil looked over at PJ, he saw that his friend had bags under his eyes and a nasty breakout on his face.

"Before I tell you, I want to ask you something." Phil said, legitimately worried about his friend.
"How are you?"

"How am I? Really, Phil?!" PJ yelled at him, standing up and pacing around.
"Ever since you've fucking abandoned me, my life has turned to shit!"


"Don't you even fucking start!" He cut Phil off and continued ranting.
"Because of you, I lost everything! I was a loner! All those fucking times you ignored me to hang with Chris or Dan," He said bitterly. "I was alone. So alone, in fact, that I couldn't sleep at night. I used to tell you everything, but now...who do I tell?"

PJ sunk down onto the bench and wiped away the tears streaming down his face.

"I-I never knew..." Phil gasped, at a loss for words. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut it, you idiot." He spat out.

Phil cringed at PJ's use of 'idiot' but nodded because he knew he deserved it, all of it.

"Tell me then since I'm still willing to be your friend." PJ said after a bit.

"Okay. Do you remember when we discussed gay rights?" Phil hesitated.

PJ nodded and let Phil continue.

"Well, I know your parents are anti-gay, but...are you?"

If the air wasn't tense enough already, it got even more tense with Phil's question hanging out in the open.

PJ looked over at Phil whose legs were shaking rapidly and bruises that layered his arms.


"Yeah?" He answered back, glad PJ hadn't done anything drastic or said anything rude.

"That family problem you told me about...it's serious, isn't it?"

"Yeah, and since we're going to be friends again, this "family problem" is my dad." Phil admitted.

PJ now felt like a dick for verbally abusing him earlier and couldn't help but look over at Phil with pity.

"Phil?" He asked again.


"I'm not like my parents. I respect gays, and I'm honestly not sure if I am gay. If I were, well...I don't want to imagine what would happen." PJ finally answered Phil's question.

"Thanks...for telling me that." Phil smiled. "Now you can know that Dan and I are dating."

What? PJ thought as he glanced at Phil with shock. No fucking way...really?

"Yes, really." Phil read PJ's mind.
"That's why I had to know if you at least supported gays and also to tell you that Chris likes you, a lot."

"That wanker?" PJ questioned, shaking his head in disbelief.

Phil caught himself laughing at the word PJ used to describe Chris and soon started laughing uncontrollably.

"Wanker!" Phil yelled, barely breathing.

PJ laughed alongside with him until he suddenly grabbed Phil's hands.

Phil couldn't pull away fast enough before PJ grabbed his face gently and kissed him directly on the lips.

Phil protested and kept protesting until PJ stopped and looked at him sadly.

"You really do like Dan, don't you?"

"Yeah. Sorry, PJ." Phil muttered, avoiding PJ's eyes and wiping his lips.

Without another word, PJ stood up and ran home.

Author's Note: Damn, this chapter has all the fucking feels! Now you know that our precious cinnamon roll Phil isn't so innocent after all. Oh, and that PJ's messed up...kinda. I wonder what'll happen next?? ;) Hope you enjoyed this chapter that was both very sad and very angsty! xx

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