Chapter 1: A Brave Warrior

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Luna's POV

Everyone watched as Hagrid carried a dead Harry before us. Voldemort's wicked grin displayed true evil and cruelty. One side against the other. We each stood staring at one another, until Voldemort was the first to speak.

"Harry  Potter is dead," he begins.

"No!" screams Ginny as she tries to rush to Harry, limp in Hagrid's arms. Arthur holds her back, and she later gives up. She comes to stand close to my side, expecting comfort and sympathy. She starts to cry into my shoulder as the death eaters snicker at this failed attempt for Ginny to save the boy she loves.

"From this day forward, you put your faith in me," Voldemort continues. Everyone looks around, confused, scared, or grieving. I see Ron and Hermione shift closer together, while firming their grip on each other's hands. Everyone takes a step back as the death eaters and Voldemort take a step closer to us. "Harry Potter is dead!" He turns around and joyfully reminds his fellow evil. They all laugh and grin, making Ginny tense and then cry harder into my shoulder. "And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us, or die." He extends his arms and waits for someone to step forward and join his side. Everyone looks around uncomfortably at one another, seeing who would dare betray us first. Neville slowly limps forward, towards the wrong team. "Well I must say, I expected better," Voldemort snorted, an uproar of laughs echoing from behind him. "And who might you be young man?" 

"Neville Longbottom," Neville shyly admits as the death eaters (mainly Bellatrix) roar with laughs and snickers. 

"Well Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks," Voldemort says, trying strongly to sniffle his own laugh.

"Please Neville, don't," I whisper to no one in particular, knowing Neville can't hear me. "Please stay." Its now Ginny's turn to hold me back from saving the man I love. 

"I'd like to say something!" Neville announces as he looks over his shoulder, searching the crowd for me. When his eyes find mine, they shine with confidence and strength. A small nod of his head shows me that he knows what he's doing. He turns back to a silent crowd of evil, waiting for him to make his declaration. "It doesn't matter that Harry's gone. People die everyday-friends, family. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us, in here." He places his hand over his heart and Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and I do the same. "So is Fred, Remus, Tonks, all of them." He turns to look at everyone that fought with him. "They didn't die in vain." He tries to make eye contact with everyone standing before him, his eyes lingering longer when they reach mine. "But you will!" He whips around and faces Voldemort. "Cause you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us! Its not over!" He pulls the Sword of Gryffindor out from underneath his jacket and points it at Voldemort. Harry then struggles out of Hagrid's hold and dashes to join Neville's side. A stunned Voldemort and death eaters stare back at him. Death eaters then charge, chasing most back into the castle as they cast spells. 

"Neville!" I yell over the chaos until he looks my way. "Stay safe," I whisper, knowing he can hear me over the noise and destruction around him.

"Always," he whispers back.

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