Chapter 7: Goodbye

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Luna's POV

The Hogwarts Express stood before us as it loaded people that were leaving. I had promised myself that I wasn't going to cry, but we all know I'm going to break that promise. Ginny stood next to me with her arm linked with Harry's as they waited for Ron and Hermione to show up.

"So sorry we're late!" Ron proclaimed as he walked up to Harry. Hermione was dragging most of their luggage behind them, as Ron was not holding anything. "Hermione took forever with the bags," he exaggerated as he rolled his eyes in Hermione's direction.

"Well maybe if you would've helped, we wouldn't have taken this long," she said angered as she dropped all of Ron's things.

"Blimey Hermione! You say that like it's my fault we were late!" 

"Maybe it is!" They then continued their bickering as they stepped onto the steps of the train. Hermione almost immediately stopped taking and ran over to give me a hug. "Thank you Luna," she said in my ear when she released me. "Stay safe." She then followed Ron back onto the train and they disappeared. 

"I'll see you in a second Gin,"Harry said as he kissed her on the cheek, picked up their stuff, and followed after Ron and Hermione.

"I'm going to miss you Luna," Ginny sighed as she looked over at me and smiled.

"I'm going to miss you too Ginny," I said as she came over to hug me. She pulled me into a tight embrace. 

"Good luck," she whispered in my ear before we released. She then winked at me before turning around to load onto the Hogwarts Express. The horn blew and the train started to roll down the tracks. I watched as the train disappeared through the tunnel. A thin line of tears had rimmed my eyes as I watched my best friend leave me to deal with my boy troubles on my own. 

Speaking of boy troubles, here he comes now. 

"Did I miss the train?!?" Neville asked as he slowed to a stop next to me, panting. 

"It just left," I said as I tried not to cry. 

"I figured I was going to miss it. I said goodbye to all of them this morning anyway," He said as he tried to regain his breath. "Come on then, you promised me we could hang out today remember?" He said as he grabbed my elbow and rushed to wherever we were going. 

"Where are we going?" I asked him as I began to jog beside him, releasing his grip on my elbow.

"It's a surprise," he laughed. I groaned and rolled my eyes and continued to follow him to our date. At least I wish it was a date


"I still don't know where were going!" I groaned after we walked for five minutes. I was growing impatient slowly as every minute passed by. 

"You clearly don't understand the meaning of the word surprise do you?" He teased as he continued to walk. 

"Can you at least give me a hint?" I asked.

"Fine. We're starting in the room of requirement." 

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