Chapter 8: Revisiting Hogsmeade

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Neville's POV

She doubled back when I told her where we were going. A look of bewilderment and fear crossed over her face as she stopped and looked at me. 

"B-b-but why would w-we go there?" She stammered.

"You'll see," I said as I grabbed her hand and pulled her along with me.

"Why would we go there? That place brings back horrible memories, ones I don't want to remember," she said as she reluctantly started to follow me.

"If you keep complaining, you're going to ruin the surprise," I told her sarcastically. She sighed, but stopped talking, and continued to follow me.

Finally, I was able to find the Room of Requirement after many wrong turns. I don't have the best memory. I stood in front of the entrance and concentrated on what I wanted it to be like. Like it was when we left it, I thought to myself. When I opened my eyes, the entrance was opening, but Luna was staring at me intently. 

"Here we are," I said gesturing towards the door. She hooked her arm to mine and waited for me to lead the way. I hesitantly walked to the door and slowly, cautiously opened it. It was the same as we had left it. Hammocks and beds scattered, chests, clothes, the whole room was a mess. "Just like we left it," I said as I grinned happily to myself, finally able to do something right. She looked around the room in awe, grief, and still confusion.

"I'm going to miss all the wonderful times we had here," she sighed as she sat on one of the hammocks. "What are we doing here?" 

"That's the surprise," I said as I walked over to the picture of Ariana Dumbledore. "Where going to Hogsmeade," I told her as I opened the portrait hole. She smiled brightly and climbed in the portrait hole immediately, not waiting for me to lead the way or anything. We walked for a while until Ariana let us through the other end at the Hog's Head Inn. Aberforth was already there, waiting for our return.

"Knew you'd be back soon enough," he grunted as he swooped us both of us into a hug. Luna hugged him back, but I felt awkward so I just stood with my hands at my side. "See you finally found yourself a girlfriend, Longbottom? I knew it would happen soon enough. You two were meant for each other," he beamed as he expected Luna and I to be a couple. Luna went scarlet, and I'm sure my face wasn't far from it. 

"Actually sir, Neville and I are just friends," Luna said. Those few words broke my heart. "Just friends" I had officially been friend zoned. 

"We were going to go to the Three Broomsticks and look around Hogsmeade for a while today," I explained.

"Right yes of course," Aberforth excused himself as he moved so Luna and I could leave his shop. We began walking out, but he pulled me off to the side. "Look out for that one. Keep her safe. She's a beautiful one, and DON'T let her go," he said as he released me and winked. I felt suddenly sick as we walked out of the inn. 

"We're just friends?" I asked Luna when we were out of earshot.

"Are we?" She asked. I've never wanted to say no more in my life. I wanted to be the one for her so much, but I couldn't be. I thought about my answer before saying it.

"Whatever you want us to be."

"I think being friends is enough for us right now," she said as she took my hand and we began walking to the Three Broomsticks. 

Dang it!

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