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I know this story is super short, but I felt that it was in a good place to end it. I understand that it is not very good, but it's my first story. I hope those few readers that I have enjoyed what little I have written.

After Luna and Neville helped renovate the castle, they both came back for their seventh and sixth years. After Neville completed his seventh year, he began attending training to become an Auror like Harry and Ron. Luna went to school for her seventh year while Neville tempered with this occupation. After her seventh year, Luna became a Magizoologist. Luna and Neville split while Luna was away studying magical creatures.

When she returned, Neville had a job at Hogwarts, teaching Herbology. He was also in a close relationship with Hannah Abbott. Luna didn't want to interfere with their relationship, so she didn't speak with Neville until she received a wedding invitation to his wedding to Hannah. She eventually moved on and met a man named Rolf Scamander. They were married, and Neville was invited to the wedding.

Luna and Neville remained close friends, and they still loved each other, just not in the same way.

If you enjoyed this story, check out my other fanfiction titled "A Wrong Turn on the Right Road- A Dramione Fanfiction." I personally believed it is much better than this one, but I hoped you enjoyed this one anyway!

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