Part 11: The Letters

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Luna's POV

I sat up quickly, gasping for breath. I couldn't remember where I was or what was going on. 

"Luna, Luna are you alright?" I heard Neville's voice ask from beside me.

"What's happening?" I asked. "Where are the others? Are they okay? Is the Dark Lord gone?" He stopped me by placing his finger softly to my lips. 

"They're okay, Luna. The Dark Lord is gone. You're safe with me," he reassured me, grabbing my hand and touching it lightly to his lips. 

Then the memories came flooding back to me. The Battle of Hogwarts, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Harry leaving on the Hogwarts Express, and my date with Neville in Hogsmeade. I looked around, noting that I was in the Room of Requirement, and the windows showed it was dark outside. 

"How long have I been out?" I asked him.

"About a day. I'm glad you're awake. We have a lot to catch up on." He set down a small stack of letters next to me. "Hermione wrote two of those, Ginny two, and Ron and Harry co-wrote one. We should respond soon before they begin to worry.  And, somewhere in between, I'd like to know a little more about you," he added, with an innocent smile. "Come on, we've got to work. Hermione's expecting a long response." He held his hand out to me. I took hold of it, and he helped me out of the bed I had been lying in. 

We sat down at a desk lit by candle light, and began to unroll a scroll we had received from Hermione.

Dear Luna and Neville,

We are all staying at the Burrow until other arrangements are made. Ginny and Harry are already going to get married before the next year starts. Quick timing huh? They have promised to not join in unity until summer holiday starts so you can both attend. Ron and I shall be waiting longer though. There's no need to rush into things when I'm going back to school next year.

Anyway, how are things at Hogwarts? We've heard many things about what has happened since we've been gone, though it's only been about two days. News travels quickly. The most notable of those being that you two are dating. I personally hope this one is true, but maybe it's not. Let us know. I must go now. We are fairly busy. 

                                                                              Lots of Love,


Dear Luna and Neville,

I hate to be the one to bring the attention to this matter, but no one else was strong enough to write this letter.

I know there was a ceremony at Hogwarts to honor everyone that died fighting, but the Weasleys would like to honor Fred's death with a more private ceremony. 

The ceremony will be held on May 18 at the Burrow around 3:00. I'm aware that you both will need to leave school early to attend. If you are unable to leave school, let me know, and I'll send Head Mistress McGonagall an owl.  

Everyone would be thrilled if you both could attend, and it would bring some light on the situation.

                                                                              Lots of Love,


Dear Luna and Neville,

You are my best friends. I want you two to both be happy, and if you are not dating yet, you will have me to answer to. I know you two like the back of my hand. Your happiness can be found in each other. You two could be happy and in love. I've heard the rumors, and I hope, more than anything, that they are true. 

Dear Luna, 

Neville has had a crush on you since our fourth year, when we all broke into the ministry together. I could see it in his eyes, the way he looked at you. It was like you were his happy ending already, before you two even said a word to each other.

Dear Neville, 

Don't deny what's written above. You know it's true. 

Luna has had a crush on you ever since the DA. She always saw the light in you even when you couldn't cast a disarming charm. She knew you could be one of the greats, even when you didn't believe it either. Don't let her go.

I love you both, and I'll see you soon.

                                                                          Lots of Love,


Dear Luna and Neville,

You have been invited to a ceremony of holy matrimony between two great souls.


I'm over the moon exhilarated.  Not only have I found the man I love, but he loves me with the same amount. The ceremony will be held on July 26 at the Burrow, in the same place of Bill and Fleur's, so Luna you should know how to get there.

I hate to so suddenly as this, but, Luna, would you like to plan the wedding? I know it could all be very sudden and there may not be enough time, but I thought you would be the perfect person for the job. Love you both, and I'll see you in about two months.

                                                            Lots of Love,


Dear Luna and Neville,


I'm getting married. Holy cow this is a huge deal. But, I'm happy, and that's all that matters. You are both invited and shall be getting an invite soon. That's all for now; see you guys real soon.


Blimey it feels like forever since I have seen you guys! I can't believe all of the rumors, and now my sister is getting married! The life without the Dark Lord is so much easier. See you guys soon!

                                                                                     Harry and Ron

"Wow," Neville begins, "they act like we haven't seen them in two years, not two days. You seriously have liked me since my fifth year?" He sounded highly unconvinced

"Of course," I answered, confused by his mood.


I thought about my answer for some time. Why did I have a massive crush on Neville Longbottom? What about him was so special that I was attracted to?

"You want to know the truth?" I asked. He nodded his head quickly. I cupped his face with my hands. "I don't like you." I kissed him. I tried to explain every reason, every memory, every feeling, with that one kiss. I tried to make him understand everything I was trying to say with that one kiss. When I let him go, he stared back at me. 

"I feel the exact same way," he said as he leaned in to kiss me again with the same amount of intensiveness.

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