Chapter 2: Sunrise

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Neville's POV

I searched for her everywhere, but I couldn't find her. "Have you seen Luna?" I would ask anyone who walked by me. They would either ignore me or shake their heads. I walked around looking for her for what felt like hours before I gave up. I sat on the broken front steps of the palace and breathed the fresh air of dawn. 

"Whats wrong Neville?" asked a voice from behind me. I looked up hopeful, but it was only Ginny standing behind me. She sat down next to me and waited for me to explain my grieving mood.

"Is she dead?" I asked Ginny. I didn't need to explain, she already knew who I was talking about.

"Please," She smirked as she waved her hand at my accusation. "You see the sunrise?" She asked me as she pointed out at the crack of yellow entering the sky, orange, purple, and blue clouds there to greet it. "If she were dead, that wouldn't be as beautiful." She kissed my cheek and stood to go back inside. I sat staring at the sunrise until I sensed a lite creature sitting down beside me. There was no need for me to look over my shoulder; I could tell by the comfortable silence we sat in on the steps.

"Beautiful isn't?" She asked after a while. 

"Yeah, the colors seem to be talking when you really look at them. They also seem to always know the mood for the day." I never knew I had it in me to notice those things. 

"Just like you to notice something like that. One of the things I like about you," she said, causing me to listen intently. 

"Y-y-you like me?" I stuttered, trying to hide my hope with surprise. She studied me as she chose her next words carefully.

"As a friend, silly," she giggled as she playfully punched me in the arm. She stopped laughing instantly and smirked, "Do you like me?" 

I was at a lose for words. If she didn't like me, then I shouldn't admit to liking her. On the contrast, I shouldn't lie to her. "I love you!" 

She giggled and stood, about to leave. I stood too and waited for her to say good bye to me. "I love you too, Neville!" She giggled again and started to walk away.

"A different kind of love I bet," I mumbled to myself as I heard her mumble something else to herself. "What was that?" I asked her as she opened the, now broken, palace door.

"Oh nothing," she said as she blushed and walked inside. 

"Will I see you again before summer break?" I asked, not even sure that she could hear me. 

"I hope so." That small sentence gave me enough hope. I could make Luna fall for me, I just didn't know how. 

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