Chapter 3. His First Love Encounter

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Karan's POV

"Yeah I'll be just there in five." I said and hung up. Rehaan had already reached the spot and was waiting for us.

I was really happy for him finally he was to marry his girl. He really loves her a lot and even Kriti is really sweet and caring. I've been knowing Kriti for a while now. She is a pretty girl and loves to laugh a lot. She have a sense of humour and is full of life and passion. She has great family values and is a strong minded girl. She understands Rehaan very well and has always been there with him in his thins. They both are just perfect for each other.

But my mind and heart were entangled with the thoughts of someone else. It was only her who occupied my mind since the morning when I woke up. My eyes were craving to see her again. Maybe I sound very much desperate about her but could I help it? Shanaya robbed my heart away at the very first sight. She is Kriti's best friend or you may better call them sisters from different mothers. We had met earlier with Kriti and Rehaan to discuss about their wedding plans and arrangements. And since then she had always been on my mind. I can never forget that day, that hour, that moment when the moon's delicate light had just turned the world - a flame with silver. It was the day when Rehaan and I were to meet Kriti and Shanaya at a cafe. The girls had already been waiting for us before we reached. Rehaan parked the car and we started walking in when my phone rang. I asked Rehaan to carry on and I would join them in few minutes as I had to attend the call. I had my talk on the call and headed towards the entrance of the cafe and started searching for Rehaan and Kriti.

I scanned through the room in an attempt of searching them when suddenly my eyes got stuck onto the masterpiece created by the God. God must have been showing off when He created her. She was amazingly beautiful. A pair of slender eyebrows were looking down at velvety eyelashes. She had a burnished fair complexion. Her hair was a glorious tumble of sunshine-brown with golden streaks highlight. Her puffy, heart-shaped lips positively drooled with goodness. Her elegant personality mesmerized me. I went closer in her direction completely fascinated by her nostalgic beauty. Filed to perfection, her blush-pink fingernails ran through her hairs. Spools of her hairs plunged over her photogenic face and hid a swan's neck, elegant and smooth. I loved her nebulous, honey hazel eyes which sparkled like two jewels melted onto snow.

She was absolutely stunning and breathtaking. I felt the urge to go closer to her and talk to her. Then suddenly I realised something that I know her. Yes she was seated beside Kriti. That meant that she was Shanaya. Omg! I can't believe my fate... That means I got a chance to talk to her.!! Overjoyed with my thought I went towards the table where Rehaan was sitting opposite to Kriti and Shanaya and grabbed the vacant chair beside Rehaan and exactly opposite of Shanaya. I offered her a handshake and greeted her with "Hie." Her lips formed into a cute curve while she introduced herself as Shanaya to me. The rest of the time spent in planning and deciding the wedding plans and staring her at times... or Maybe at every minute. As much as we talked which was nothing about our personal life but everything about Kriti and Rehaan, I discovered her purity and cuteness which was hidden away by the elegance in her looks. No one could know about her innocence from her looks. She was the perfect one! And I already felt the desire to have her. I wanted to grab her hand and take her away with me. I wanted her and I was determined.

"Has everyone already reached?" asked Rahil, bringing me back from my thoughts.


We reached the restaurant in next five minutes and there he was. Rehaan was waiting for us in the parking lot. He is my chuddy buddy... We know each other since the day we started schooling and since then we have always seeked our punishments together hahha!

We parked the car and headed inside towards the table where Kriti and some of the friends were already seated. My eyes were just wandering as if they were searching someone...My heart was so excited to see her. Left to right and right to left my eyes travelled And yeah there she was...the girl who ruled my dreams.

My eyes glued to her. She was teasing Kriti I could guess that from her gesture... Shanaya had the cutest expressions which could catch anybody's attention. She was wearing a white dress which ended three inches above her knees. She had topped the dress with a loose balloon sleeved type of jacket with a checkered print which ended at her knees. She completed the look with a chain hanging around her neck having a big ring kind of pendant. She looked gorgeous even in a simple look. Her smile was contagious... I noticed that when she smiled at me. One minute why is she smiling at me? I looked around and realised that Rehaan just introduced us to them. She was looking at me with her deep hazel eyes. I swear she had the most beautiful eyes in the whole wide world. Damn! I could drown into her eyes.

She started checking out the menu and I grabbed the seat beside her before anyone else could snatch it away from me. She was so busy checking the menu that didn't even care to see that I sat next to her. She seemed to be very hungry by the way she was fidgeting with the things around her. All these things made her more cute.

"So What do you do?" I asked finally breaking up the silence between us.
We had met before but we were just  busy discussing about the wedding that we barely talked about ourselves to each other.

She was staring at me with her amazed looks. If looks could kill, then she would be a weapon of mass destruction!

"Like what you see?" I winked at her. Her cheeks turned pink in embarrassment. God! She is the prettiest girl I've seen.

"I'm working in IBA as a senior interior designer." So she is also an interior designer. Wow!! This is a news to me. But what she wouldn't be knowing is that I own a top designing firm in Mumbai. Okay it's my dad's company but I have been handling his business since years now.

The order was placed and Shanaya got busy grabbing her pasta...She ate like she was starving since a week. I chuckled at her actions.

After sometime we left the place for the wedding destination. I was really excited for his wedding.. specially because I would be able to spend time with Shanaya. Okay you might call me a jerk but she is the first girl who captured my heart just in the first look.


Shanaya was sitting beside me in the passenger seat. I looked at her and realised that something was wrong with her. Few minutes back she was smiling and cheerful.. but now she seemed lost in her thoughts. She was just looking in the front at nowhere. Her eyes could tell that she was upset.. she was distressed.. but what was it suddenly? I could see the hurt in her eyes.. Her eyes are really expressive, they showcase the honesty... One could easily make out the truth from her eyes even if her lips are lieing. But what was it eating her up? I wanted to know I didn't want to see her that way... The sweetness in her looks had disappeared.

I thought of asking her what's wrong but I knew she won't answer me... does any girl answer so easily? So I turned the music louder to distract her from her thoughts. I thought that would help and it did.

After few minutes she started tapping her toes and whispering the lyrics of the song... She and Kriti both looked at each other and laughed and enjoyed the music. They were dancing in their seats and in couple of minutes the happy version of Shanaya was back. How could she easily hide her sorrows within herself. She seemed so jovial that no one could ever find out her wounds and heal them.

That makes me more curious to know her... To know about her likes her dislikes, her hobbies, her desires, her dreams and aspirations...just everything... I wanted to know each and every thing about her and most importantly about her sadness...her nightmares.. her fears and as to what it was that eats her up and stops her to be there in her happiest form. I want her to be cheerful always. I would find out everything.


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