Chapter 12. The Hide and Seek

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Shanaya's POV

Everyone was busy in the arrangements of the engagement ceremony which was to be taken place at the pool. Each of us was assigned to look over different tasks and I was, of course, taking care of the decorations. I wanted to add a tinge of elegance mixed up with the combination of modern and traditional concept. I had many different ideas which were yet to be implemented and I needed to hurry up. I climbed up the ladder to tie up the hanging glass candles upon the tree. There were so many glass candles to be hanged up and I badly needed a helping hand. "Hey little one! Do you need some help?" asked Sam who was standing below the ladder. "I wouldn't really deny."

"Why not madam." He grinned. God! If only I would have asked for something else.

"Thumpppp...!!" a loud noise distracted us. It was like somebody fell into the pool. I looked around to see who it was. Kriti!!! I immediately climbed down the ladder and ran towards the pool. Kriti had drowned inside the water and within few seconds she managed to come up and started breathing heavily. I couldn't hold on and started laughing with all my heart.

"How did you fell?" I managed to speak handful of words in between my laughter.

"I don't know!! Someone pulled my le....."


This time it was me who fell into the water. I stood up immediately on the floor of the swimming pool after realising what just happened. This time it was Kriti's turn to laugh at me. I looked around to see who that maniac was!

"Neev!!!! You bastard!" I and Kriti almost yelled together. We ran towards him where he was standing in the pool and started hitting his shoulder. And that maniac was still laughing hard. When he wasn't aware, I kicked one of his leg which made him fall down in the water. And this time I and Kriti both shared the laughter. Neev got up and ran towards me to take the revenge and I started running in the opposite direction. It's difficult to run in the water! He caught me in no time and picked me bridal style and threw me away in the water again...

"Where the hell were you all this time?" Kriti yelled at Neev. "How can you be late at my wedding? I almost thought you would miss my wedding?" My dear angry Kriti, I thought and giggled.

"Guys!! At least help me stand on my toes first." I pleaded while half drowned in the water. And they simply ignored me. Morons!!

We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it Friendship love. That's exactly how Kriti, Neev and I are. Life is not always rainbows and sunshine; but when we three are together we forget the world! Craziness and funtasies best describes us. We quickly dried up ourselves and changed our clothes and got back to our work. Some of them helped me with the decorations as they had got free from their tasks. I asked Neev to put on the hanging glass candles since I was bored to climb up the ladder again and again. And he had no choice except for doing it for me. The main area where the engagement ceremony would be performed was yet to be embellished. I thought of asking out Karan to help me ornament that space as we both share a good sense of design, but then I remembered the blunder I made last night. I'm so embarrassed to face him now. I never behave this way while in somebody's company, except Kriti ofcourse. Maybe it was alcohol that played me last night. Oh God! Karan was coming to my direction. What do I do? What if he inquires me about last night? What would I say? God! Please just hide me somewhere. He is nearing in my way!! What do I do? I felt frozen at my spot, I couldn't move a single inch.

"Coffee?" He offered me a cup of coffee. How couldn't I notice the cups of coffee in his hand all this while?

"Err... no. Thanks!" I denied to avoid having conversation with him. "There's still a lot of work to be done. Can't spare time for coffee." I turned away trying to escape his further interrogation.

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