Chapter 11. When her heart spills out..

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Karan's POV

I was having my morning coffee while sitting on the lounger in the balcony of my room, so lost into my thoughts that I couldn't realize that someone was knocking my bedroom door since last few minutes. I got up hastily to answer the door as realization hit me.

"Were you still sleeping?" Kriti walked in as I answered the door.

"No, I was just having my coffee." I walked back to the balcony and she followed.

"Then what took you so long?" She examined my face carefully with the wrinkles formed on her forehead. "Tell me what's wrong?" She demanded. "You also called me last night right? What happened Karan?" She continued.

"I...uh... actually Shanaya... she got..." I stuttered.

"Shanaya what? Is she alright?" Kriti questioned.

"She got high on beer... last night."

"And what were you doing?" She asked.

"I was getting high on love with her." I mumbled.



"Tell me clearly what happened last night?" Kriti demanded.

"She acted crazily after drinking. One moment she was talking... and other moment, she was a small kid. No, actually a naughty stubborn kid." I started narrating.

Kriti started laughing hard. She laughed her heart out. I looked at her with a frown. "So now you got a taste of her Mr. Karan. Tell me more about your experience." Kriti chuckled.

I, at first, displayed a confused look. But then, I smiled. Kriti smiled after seeing that smile formed on my lips.

"She spoke to me about her past." I said while taking a place beside Kriti on the sit-out and facing her. I noticed a perplex look that formed on her face as soon as I talked about Shanaya's past.

"What did she say?" Kriti asked, nervousness clearly stated on her face.

Her question drove me back to the memories of last night.


Narration of last night

I placed her on her couch gently and adjusted the pillows to rest her comfortably. But I couldn't leave the site of her and kept gazing at her hopelessly with a relief of moving a step closer to know my princess.

"Stop looking at me like that." She retorted. "What is it you are looking at and thinking?"

I bent down near her bed and held her hand in mine while gently moving my thumb on her hand. "Looking at you. I know now how beauty and mystery collide."

She didn't respond. This was her turn to keep gazing into my eyes.

"Splendid!" I exclaimed.

A cute smile enriched her face instantly. And I felt immense happiness inside of me, the only reason being able to make her smile warmly.

"Keep smiling Princess. You look adorable." I said while planting a soft kiss on her hand.

She continued to smile until I stood up to leave.

"Sweet dreams princess." I wished her as I was about to leave her room.

"Stay with me." She demanded firmly.

"You need rest honey."

"I can do that better if you stay."

She didn't leave any scope of argument so I gave in, not that I didn't want to stay.

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