Chapter 5

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Longer than normal chapter as an apology to you all...

Jaxon's POV:

After a brief meeting which included more coffee on the floor than in the cups and a multitude of puppy eyes, I agreed for the Alphas to stay here the week along with James and Jessie. My mates were overjoyed, kissing my face everywhere.
After my fit of laughter (because I'm ticklish), my men followed me out as I told the boys the news.
"Jessie, James," I called out and the two looked at me with their bright, sparkly eyes.
"You and your Alpha's will be staying here for the week, if that's OK?"
Their faces changed and they leap up into my arms.
"Yay!!! Thank you Jaxon!! Thank you Alpha's!!!" They squeal, clinging to me before clinging to my mates (I wasn't even jealous, they're only pups).
"Right! We have a busy day ahead of us, so let's get down to business!!" (to defeat, the huns).

After feeding the young pups and picking wolves to train, we were back at the elder wolf enclosure, a strong feeling of sadness clouded within me.
I told James and Jessie to stay inside and play with the pups that I found. They were about 10 weeks old, and they were very playful, so I knew James and Jessie would be tired by the time we returned.

I turned to my mates with a sad smile.
"Earlier this morning, we lost two of our eldest members. They were mates and they both passed peacefully. Due to the fact I didn't notice the time and had to run Jessie and James back to the house, I never collected their bodies to cremate and spread. So, that is what we need to do now. I've had to push back some wolves to release, but they can wait for a little while. The wolves in here are all old and sometimes have trouble accepting strangers that are not pups, so normally, I would advise you wait here. However, since we've just met, I don't want to part with you both, so I ask that you don't try to establish dominance. No growling whether over jealousy or such, and no looking and staring at any wolf straight in the eye. OK?"
The two nodded and we entered the enclosure.

Instantly, the wolves ran from the trees to greet me, nuzzling and whimpering greetings. I slowly got through each one with returned nuzzles and my fingers trailing through their fur.
"I'm sorry for all our losses today. We shall miss them greatly." I muttered to them all before standing and heading towards the bodies.
They were just how I left them, snuggled next to each other under my jacket, heads on each others necks, and eyes closed.
A memory came to me as I looked at them, my first memory of them...

I was tired. I have been trying to track down two wolves who were causing havoc to the local people. In reality, I knew they weren't, they were just trying to protect their territory, but I wanted to get them back to mine so I could care for them and maybe release them somewhere quieter and away from human society.
I've been looking for these two for almost 8 hours now, and even with my senses and slight more intelligence, their smarts outsmarted me, always seeming to be a step ahead of me, and this made me all the more determined to catch them and move them elsewhere.
I had found them by a river, playing by the rocks like young pups, though the wolves themselves were way into their 4 or 5th year of life. The female barked and to my surprise, puppy yips were returned and five pups, no more than 9 weeks came out to join the two adult's.
Now I was in a dilemma. I cannot move pups unless the adults are calm and trust me, otherwise the puppies can stress themselves to death. I had to think this through logically...

Yeah. Great plan Jaxon, great plan.

" Hello wolves. I mean no harm, I just want to help you." I had whispered to them, slipping out of the bushes.

The wolves stared at me. They didn't growl or stand in front of their pups, showing they knew I wasn't a threat.
"You guys are in danger. The human community around you see you both as a threat and want you dead. If they saw that you had pups, they will use them to get you. I know you are very strong, however it won't last forever, and your pups safety should be your first priority. Come with me to my home, and you are safe. Your pups can grow up strong and healthy and also, I can get you your own territory that you would not have to worry about being taken from you. I will look after it. So please, allow me to help take you and your pups away to safety."

The wolves listened, and I crossed my fingers mentally.
The female nudged her mate, then proceeded to pick one of the pups up, her mate soon following, leaving three behind. They looked at me expectantly and I understood.
Picking the other three up, the wolves followed me back to my cabin and made themselves comfortable in my home, the female taking over my couch and the male my bed, both refusing to eat anywhere but in the kitchen.

I've watched them go through countless moments in their lives, I have been holding the females paw through five other litters. I've watched them thrive and teach their young to become adults and helping to teach me how to teach wolves to survive.
When it got to the point they didn't feel comfortable inside the house anymore, it was them who chose the perfect place to build an enclosure for the older wolves, where they could roam in peace and not worry about danger or their next meal, drink or danger.
I have been there for most of their petty fights, cleaning the wounds off each of them after real fights. Watching them as they put younger pups back in their places and teaching the older wolves to get along with each other. They've been here for most of my wolf sanctuary career and I was here through their final breaths.
I stroked the females neck gently before patting the male.
"You were both strong warriors, with extortionate amounts of kindness and compassion. You were both smart to the extent you taught me everything I needed to know. You were the animalistic parents I needed. You both passed peacefully and I am going to make sure you both can roam freely over the globe, both body and souls. Farewell my friends, may you be welcomed in your heavens with the moon goddess."

By the end of my little speech, my chest went very tight and my eyes burned with unshed tears.
I buried my head into their necks one more time, trying to capture and hold their wild scents.
"G-good... Bye." My tears sped down my cheeks in small rivers and a sob built in my throat.
"Mate, please don't cry," Ross pulled me into a tight hug. "As you said yourself," Remus came behind and also hugged me. "They passed peacefully and I'd say they are happy now. So hush mate, please stop crying."
I stuffed my face into Ross' neck, using his scent to calm myself.
After a little while, I pulled my head out of Ross' neck.
"Thank you to the both of you." I whispered, not even attempting to try and escape this... Bear hug? Wolf hug? (We'll go with a tight hug).
"Mate. You do not have to thank us, as we are made to make sure you're not sad. And if you are, we console you. We're glad that you are calm now." Ross stroked my cheek.
"Let us help you send their bodies off." Remus whispered, making me nod at their offer.

### (I rather not go into detail of burning bodies, so moving on)

I stood on the tallest hill near to my home, the place where my two strong wolves played with their pups.
"Goodbye my strong wolves," I whispered as I watched their ashes float gently on the breeze.
They will have the opportunity to look at everything in the world, and hopefully be able to do it together.
I turned around and buried my face into my mates' necks, sobbing my heart out. One picked me up bridal style and carried me back the house. The other ushered the little boys to bed.

Ross (currently holding me) took me to my -our - room. He placed me under the covers and snuggled in next to me, followed shortly by Remus, both their scents and body warmth sending me into a calm sleep.

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