Chapter 15

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Happy New Year everyone, it's still not 2019 here, its about 10:30pm here, so still have some time. Here is the remainder of the chapter, I had an extra bit of inspiration and changed the chapter from 1100 words to 2000 words exactly. Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes and sorry to the person I said a few months back I would get this chapter out earlier. Hope everyone had a happy 2018 and have a good 2019!!

Jaxon POV:
As I started to shout, and hand wrapped around my mouth and throat.
I hissed angrily, but the hands just tightened.
I could see my mates in the corner of my eye bristling with rage and without even read their minds, I could tell they were beating themselves up for letting this happen, it isn't their fault though, I wasn't aware.
I felt the hands drag me towards the male wolf, the fighting rogues parting to allow them male through and I was thrown to the floor. I curled up as I landed, trying to protect my stomach.
My mates were snarling and desperately trying to get towards me, but the rogues seemed to have increased in numbers, making it too difficult for them to get through.
I looked up at the male and snarled at him. He just grabbed my chin and pulled me closer to his face.
"If you had just said stop sooner, this wouldn't be happening and those Alpha things would be happy without you. But, you didn't listen and here we are. So, here's what you're going to do. You will come calmly and quietly, no fighting, and the rogues will leave as we do. Whatever is left survives and those idiotic excuses for 'mates' will survive. Will you listen?"
I snarled once more, but I couldn't think of any other way around this. Though I was strong, I couldn't protect me and my pups, it was too much a risk. I could tell that we were loosing, there were too many rogues. I don't have any options.
I turned to look at him with a glare and spoke slowly and as menacing as I could
"I will leave quietly and without a fight as long as the fighting stops, if I see as much as one rogue go after anyone in my pack, I will fight, I will not go calmly. Deal?"
He nodded and whistled sharply. The rogues stopped attacking as intensely as they had been, but kept the pack at a distance.
The male wrapped rope around my wrists and another rope around my neck loose enough to allow me to breathe.
He allowed me a moment to shift my weight and stand, then tugged on the leash harshly to get me to follow him.
I stumbled along, but I stayed quiet. I was worrying for my pups, I need to find a way to get out of this, my pups won't stay in my womb much longer, maybe another two or three weeks? I need a plan of escape.
As we passed into the tree line, I heard my mates scream for me.
"Jaxon! Baby! We'll find you! Please keep yourself safe!" And to the male. "Don't you dare harm him! Fight me!"
The male pulled me along quicker and soon enough, I could only just hear howls in the distance.

Though pregnant, he was not giving me any special treatment, keeping a fast pace which was not settling my stomach, and it was making it sore on my feet. I tried to speak up.


"Finish that sentence and I'll punch your stomach." The male growled.

I hissed and wrapped my arms around my stomach as best as I could with the rope but didn't finish my sentence and continued on in strained silence.

We had been walking maybe quarter of an hour, 20 minutes before I noticed rogues start to circle around us, though I wasn't quite sure if I was for our protection or to make sure we couldn't attack.
They were horrible to look at: all the matted or missing fur and foam at their jowls. The stench as well, it made me want to vomit.

They pushed me up to the rogues in front of me, who parted and allowed me to walk forward and up some roots which looked to be used as makeshift stairs.

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