You Give Me The Hummingbird heartbeat

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A/N: Sorry if my grammer isn't always correct! English is not my first language.

Robyn's POV

''ROBYN! Babe! I missed you so freaking bad!'' Katy run towards me and opened her arms for a hug. I disappeared in them. I can't even remember the first time I met this crazy girl. I think it was in the beginning of her career. I immediately felt good around her. I can be myself, she can be herself. We understand each other's busy life's and ask each other for advice about it. Katy is the one who always makes me laugh when I need it. I'm happy to have her in my life. ''Ready for the movie?'' I smiled at her. ''Sure!'' I never noticed how pretty Katy's eyes are. Blue, with a brown spark and that skin, so soft and clear. Her eyebrows, perfect epilated like always. That cute nose and her kissable lips. ''I'm sorry I first have to go to the bathroom. Are you going with me, or will you just wait?'' I woke up out of my thoughts. ''Uh, uh, I- I- just wait here.'' I faked a big smile. ''Okay'' Katy smiled. She turned around. I couldn't help, but just had to look at her butt. My eyes got up to those cute pimples in her back! What on earth was wrong with me! Katy is always really fast with peeing, so she was back in a second. My eyes fell on her beautiful long legs and went up to her face. They got down a little and rested on her boobs for a while. God, help, what's all going on. ''I'm back bitch!'' Katy yelled at me. ''Let's go inside now.'' ''I'm going to toilet either'' I said, biting on my lip. ''But I just asked you if you wanted to go with me.'' ''I know, but I didn't really need to, but I thought just to make sure I don't need to if the movie is playing. That's just to awkward.'' ''Oh yeah, I totally understand! Go baby.'' Katy slammed me on my butt. I laughed and started to run a little. ''Take care of my back please'' I yelled. ''of course!''

I looked at myself at the mirror. What the hell is all going on in my mind! I scanned if all the boots are free and when I noted they were, I let escape a loud scream out my throat. I washed my hands and scanned if my little bit makeup was just on its place. A weird feeling came in my stomach. I needed to go back to Katy and just present normal.

''Hey badgirl'' Katy yelled. She picked up my arm and together we walked into the theatreroom. We often walk like this, but today it feels different. Everything feels different.

During the movie I tried to concentrate me at the film, but my eyes keep falling at Katy. She's so freaking beautiful. Her head moved towards me, her eyes still at the film. I shocked and started to blush. ''He's so hot, what's actually his real name?'' Katy whispered to me. I looked at the screen, not having any idea who she was talking about. I think the actor who was naked and all over a woman. ''I have no idea'' I whispered back, totally not lying. Her hand searched for the popcorn who was standing on my legs. When her arm touched my arm a wonderful feeling shot from the place she touched me to my heart and the butterflies in my stomach flew up. I bit on my lip and hoped it all stopped. ''Eat some popcorn too. You didn't even eat one.'' She pushed some popcorn in my mouth. I laughed and looked in her eyes. I felt so much going around in my body. This isn't good, can someone call a doctor for me? Katy moved back and concentrated at the movie again. I love her concentrating look, it's so cute! Those eyes full with excitement and frightened for what should happen. I looked at the screen. The hot guy was now holding a knife. Katy searched for my hand and nipped in it. Again all these butterflies, I sweated and felt my hand starting to sweat too. My eyes fell on the screen for a little. The handsome boy walked closer to the girl and seemed really angry. I looked at Katy. The whole theatre made shocking sounds when Katy's eyes felt mine. They stood full fear and disgusting. I searched for an apologize why I was staring at her. ''I can't look at that'' I said, hoping he should have cut the woman, what I was thinking. ''Same'' Katy said with the sweetest giggle on earth.

''I loved the movie!'' Katy said excited. ''Yes me too!'' I tried to sound excited too, but to be honest I have no idea what it was about. ''Should we get ourselves a pizza or something?'' I asked. ''I think it's better you go home and get yourself some sleep'' Katy suggested. ''Baby, is there something wrong? I'm here for you, you can tell me.'' She picked up my hands. I smiled sadly at here. I absolutely can't tell what's all going on. She knows me way too good. ''I'm fine, just tired'' I lie and faked a smile. We walked outside. Thankfully there wasn't any paparazzi. ''Get yourself some sleep'' she said and walked to her own car. ''I will, thanks for tonight'' I yelled at her. ''Yes you too, see you next week'' she yelled at me. ''Yeah'' I waved at her. Fuck, we promised each other to do this every week.

I closed the door of my house behind  me and sunk to my legs against the wall in my corridor. I started to cry. I'm in love with Katy. My chick. My bitch. My best friend. What do I have to do now? I started to pray: ''Dear god, please let these feelings stop.'' Maybe tomorrow I will laugh at myself because of these thoughts and it's all over or at least next week. I stood up, locked all the doors and went upstairs. I removed my makeup, changed in my pajama and lay in bed. I got a message and looked at my mobile.

It was a nice night, sleep well Ily x

Katy. Ily I knew she meant it in a friendship way. I wish it was all different. I tapped on her profile picture. Her and Orlando. I zoomed in on her face. She is so cute! I opened Instagram and stalked some fan pages. All these cute pics! I tapped on a pic from one of her photoshoot. Damn, she's so hot! I throw my phone away. It feels so wrong to think all these shit about my best friend, my best friend. Should I ever be able to even look her in the eyes normally?

Katy's POV

''hey Lando, I'm home'' I yelled, took my heels off and run in the living room. Orlando sat on the sofa. ''I missed you so bad!'' I said, crawling me up against him. ''I missed you too.'' We shared a passion full kiss. ''How was it?'' He asked. ''It was fine, but Robyn wasn't really herself. I think she was tired.'' ''Ohw, that's not really weird, right? She had a busy time, hadn't she?'' ''Yes she had, I'm tired too, should we go sleeping?'' ''Of course my sunshine.'' He lifted me up and carried me in bridestyle to our bedroom. He lay me safety on the bed. ''Thank you my handsome boy'' I said flirting. ''No problem my beautiful girl.'' I blushed a little. I took my makeup off and changed in my pajama. I curled myself up against Orlando's hot soft body. ''Goodnight my prince.'' '' Sleep well my princess.'' I fell a sleep with a smile on my face.

I looked out of a beautiful lake. ''This one is for you.'' Robyn gave me a flower. ''Aww thank you baby.'' She stood behind me, cuddled me from the back and together we looked at the water. She gave a little kiss in my neck and rested her hands on my belly. ''Soon, soon this little one will be ours'' a smile came on my face. ''yeah'' I turned around and started to kiss her. She kissed me hard back. I stopped and looked around me. ''Don't worry, nobody knows about this place, it's ours'' Robyn said. ''Sure?'' I asked her insecure. ''Absolutely'' her lips came closer again and I closed my eyes. Her arms rested around my waist. Mine around her neck. I enjoyed every second of our long kiss.

I woke up, wet of sweat. ''good morning baby'' Orlando smiled at me. ''Did you had a nigtmare?'' he asked me kindly. ''No, not really'' I answered. His face came closer. He was about to kiss me, but I stood up. I couldn't. ''I'm gonna take a shower'' Hoping I could wash these feelings of. The worst thing was that I liked the dream. I felt horrible against Orlando. Why should I actually, it was just a dream.

A/N hey there! I was searching for a Katyanna fanfic and I couldn't really find a lot, so I thought: hey let's write one by myself and here it is! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you go on with the next chapter. Vote if you liked this chapter. If you have any idea's for this story, just tell them in the comments! xx Lotte

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