No Pain Is Forever

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Harper's POV

Me and Eve watched the I heart radio awards back. Katy and Rihanna both looked great. But it was kinda funny. They filmed them a lot, you know these shots after a performance or during a speech from some artist, but they didn't seem to have full concentration. Both not. They were doing other things, like being on their phone. ''OMG just look! I'm sure they still are in love!'' A shot of Katy and Riri smiling at each other was on the TV screen. ''SAME!'' Not all the fans believe in their relationship, because the last time they were spotted together was for weeks ago. ''Why don't they just sit next to each other?'' ''Don't ask me'' Eve laughed. Ed Sheeran performed, won some prices and did a speech. ''It starts to be boring.'' ''Just wait for Riri's performance'' Eve said. ''Where is she actually?'' I wondered. ''Just not in the picture.'' I started my phone and went to Instagram. ''Oh, Katy posted something in her story'' I said excited and saw Eve getting her phone too. ''OMG LOOK AT THIS!'' She showed me a selfie of Katy and Riri in what looks like the bathroom. I screamed and cuddled her. We watched on. ''My girl is going to perform OMG YAS.'' Robyn slayed the performance. Then she suddenly stopped with singing, not really stopping. There just came nothing out her mouth. I looked with big eyes at Eve. Robyn run off the stage. I saw tears coming up in Eve's eyes. Then the camera went to Katy, because she jumped up and run in the direction Robyn left. ''What is going on?'' I asked.

Jay's POV

I walked with big steps in the office from George. ''I can't do this anymore!'' I said and slammed with my hands on his desk. The bold man around age 50 faked a smile. ''Oh, that's all right, you're fired then.'' I rolled my eyes at him. ''Fuck off, you know I don't mean to.'' ''Oh, great, but then you have to go on.'' I looked angry at him. ''Just make sure these girls aren't together in the spotlights, no problem.'' ''But, I just can't do that! They have their own life's and own rights to do whatever they want to do.'' ''Actually I know you're pretty bad in it, because I watched the award show yesterday and yeah.'' I looked questioning at him. ''They had a lot of contact and what on earth happened with Robyn?'' ''We go to the doctor this afternoon.'' ''Great, just go on.'' ''NO! Go talk to them by yourself.'' ''All right, 7' o clock.'' ''Great, see you then'' and I turned around.

Katy's POV

I waited for Robyn to call me or something with the results from the doctor. After watching 2 episodes from scream queen's, I heard my door lock. I jumped up and saw Robyn walking in the room. Her eyes stood sad. I run towards her and took her in my arms. After a long hug we sat down at the sofa. ''What's wrong?'' I asked then. ''I have nodes.'' She burst into tears. I shocked too and hold her thigh. ''What now?'' I asked with a shaking voice, knowing it's wrong. ''I have to be really carefully with my voice and go to therapy.'' ''I will help you.'' I put my hand on her cheek. ''But, the doctor doesn't think that's going to help, because we found out pretty late.'' ''Oh now baby!'' ''But an operation can ruin my voice so they will try this first.'' ''I'm so sorry for you!''

Robyn's mobile rang. ''Hello?...yes....oh, okay...ok..all right...we will be there...bye.'' She hung on. ''We need to go to be in the office 7 o' clock.'' ''Why?'' ''We will find out there.'' Robyn said, raising her eyebrows. ''Who told you?'' ''Jay.'' I sighed loudly. ''Okay, should we grab some food?'' ''Yes!''

We walked inside the meeting room. A lot of our crews were already there. A few minutes later everyone attended. ''So, hello girls.'' ''Hello.'' We both responded. ''Do you have any idea who I am?'' ''No'' we both answered. The man laughed. ''So, I'm George and I can ruin your career.'' We looked at each other. ''Of course I won't! But you girls need to do something then.'' ''Okay, what's it?'' Robyn asked. ''Breaking up.'' ''No, we will never, we love each other!'' ''Okay, good luck searching for another job. Oh, I'm sorry if nobody want you to work for them.'' ''But, wait, how can you ruin our careers.'' ''And why do you have the rights to do that?'' ''Because, I'm your boss, I'm everyone's boss.'' He opened his laptop. ''Take a look.'' A video started to play. It was a woman, a woman who looked exactly the same as I did. She was laughing and slamming a kid. Tears filled up in my eyes. I started to shake, it was horrible, disgusting, terrible! ''How could you do that to that little boy?'' ''You mean Flynn?'' The video was still playing and I looked at the boy again. He seriously looked like Flynn. Blood dripped down his face, because of me. But I can't remember I did that. ''I didn't do that?!'' I said looking shocked at my team. Some faces stood surprised, others disappointed. ''You don't sound that sure'' some guy next to George said. ''Of course you did Katy, that's the reason Orlando broke up with you!'' George said. ''I seriously didn't do that.'' I said confident. ''What do you have from me?'' Robyn asked. ''You will find out when you see it on twitter.'' His smile made me wanna throw up. ''I wanna see it now'' Robyn said confident. ''Robyn, baby, you already know it stupid you. You're the mean character in the whole video!'' ''You know we don't know it, because we didn't do it. You're a freaking liar! You're making all of this up!'' ''It's so cute how she doesn't want to believe it, love can make people blind!'' he laughed to my manager, Steven didn't laugh back. ''I think I've seen enough'' he stood up and walked away. ''I can't believe this Katy'' Tamra said. ''But guys, I didn't do it! I love Flynn, you know that! I broke up with him because I am in love with Robyn!'' ''There's the video Katy! We just saw what you did!'' ''That's not me!'' but they all already walked out the room.

That night I couldn't let the picture of bleeding Flynn disappear from my mind. I had to know how he's doing. It wasn't me who slammed him, I'm sure, I will never do that! I loved Flynn with whole my heart. Everyone believes that George, how can they think I am able to do something like that. I just...

Robyn's POV

I was worried so freaking worried about what was going on. I didn't care at my nodes anymore. That will get better, if that video from Katy comes out... she's simple just fucked. It was like she hated that kid with whole her heart. There was no way she can make it up. There was no excuse for something like that. I was also worried about what he has from me. I'm sure Katy didn't do that. 100% sure! She will never, it's just, I can't even imagine.

I woke up in the middle of the night because of some sobs. It's Katy. She lay next to me. I cuddled myself up against her. ''Shhh, it will be fine!'' I whispered. She didn't response and I noted she was still sleeping. She was crying in her sleep, OMG, my little baby. I gave her little kisses in her neck.

The next morning I get out of bed and found out the bed next to me was empty. I took a shower and walked dressed up down the stairs. I found Katy sitting down on the sofa, when she saw me she immediately jumped up and flew in my arms. ''I can't reach anyone anymore. They all blocked me!'' She said, her eyes filled with tears. ''Who is they?'' I asked. ''Just my whole team. Nobody wants me anymore. I'm literally alone! How could they do that!'' ''But, I want you and I will never block you, I know it's fake.'' She smiled a little. ''I love you so much'' When Katy calmed down we ate some breakfast. I started my phone and saw I got so many notifications on twitter. I started the app and saw it was all hate, to me. I got to my account and read my last tweet.

These are so beautiful OMG, can somebody get me one? And not a fake one!

A picture of an ivory little elephant statue was underneath it. I tried to delete the tweet immediately, but because of some reason I couldn't

''look'' I gave Katy my mobile. She put her hands before her mouth. ''We're over.'' She started to cry. ''No, we are never over, even if the whole world is going to hate us, I will never leave you! Should we go out for dinner tonight?'' I asked. She looked up, her eyes stood scared. ''No, we can't do that anymore!'' ''Of course we can, if we go one by one, don't leave at the same time. I'm done with only being together in this house!'' Robyn no! What if he finds out and shares that video of me!'' ''It isn't you, someone with a brain knows that!'' ''My whole team believes that video and I'm sure all my haters will convince my fans because it really looks like me!'' ''Katy, I don't wanna live in fear anymore.'' ''I will, as long as that video doesn't come online!'' Katy's mobile rang. ''!...I won't....It's fake! You know that!....No, I will never! is my life! Okay I will come over in an hour..bye'' ''What's up?'' ''Tamra want me to move to new York.'' 

A/N: Finally another chapter! I hope you guys like it! Please give me some feedback xx Lotte

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