It Felt So Wrong, It Felt so Right

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Katy's POV

Every night again, again those dreams. I couldn't shower them off. I couldn't think of something else. It was all Robyn. Me, Robyn and our little baby, in my belly. I closed the door behind me and drove to the cinema. We promised each other to go to the cinema every Saturday night, so I had too. I walked inside and there she was ''the Robyn'' she smiled at me in a really weird shocked way. It had something from the smile Katycats gave me when I met them for the first time. ''hay'' I said excited and we shared a hug. ''how are you'' I asked. We walked to the cinema room. Normally I put my arm around her waist or in her arm or something, but today my brain was like: 'beter not' ''fine'' she said and immediately looked down. ''hey, what's up?'' I asked stroking her back. ''nothing'' she faked a big smile. I stopped her and turned her towards me. She looked me wondering in the eyes. I looked back. None of us leaved. It was a magical moment. Desire for her came in my body. I wouldn't leave and I saw Riri wouldn't leave either. All the flashes of my dreams came for my mind. I wanted to kiss her right now. I looked away and started to walk. This was wrong, really wrong. I can't kiss Robyn. I can't cheat on Orlando. What the hell, Katheryn wake up. Robyn walked by. I saw she was blushing. I didn't mind her. I was sure my cheeks had been red for a sec too. This was awkward as fuck. During the movie my eyes keep finding Robyn's. We were more looking at each other than the movie.

Before we leaved we went to the bathroom. ''did you like the movie?'' I asked, while washing my hands. Robyn was still on the toilet and I noted we were the only ones so just asked her. ''yes, it was funny'' she answered. I heard she flushed the toilet bowl and after that the door unlocked. I looked at her reflection in the mirror. She smiled at me, while walking out. Robyn is so cute and sexy at the same time. I felt my stomach turn in a good way, a way of desire. It grows and grows. I turned me towards her and looked in her beautiful brown eyes. Her kissable lips, I couldn't handle myself anymore. I need to feel it in real life, not in my dreams tonight again. I wanted to taste her lips so freaking bad. I stared at her. I turned my face closer to hers and finally my lips found the lips I dreamed of so many times.

Robyn's POV

I closed my eyes and just enjoyed. Unfortunately it was just a second. Katy took a step backward and looked at the ground, thinking. I didn't know how to pretend. It was so weird. I didn't expected at all. today was just weird and awkward, first that eye moment...but before my brain could go on, Katy's mouth was on mine again. This time she went for it. Our tongues circled around each other. Her hands scrubbed down and up my back. I put my arms around her neck. She started to kiss me harder. I kissed her hard back. Her hand stroking my back felt so freaking good. I needed this so bad, I needed her so bad. Her hands ended underneath my butt and she lifted me up. She sat me down on the sink. We keep kissing until we both get out of breath. Katy let me go and turned confused around. A loud cry came out her mouth and she run crying away. What have I done?!

Katy's POV

I run outside, tears rolled down my cheek. I got blind of thousand flashes of camera's. I stepped in my car and drove away. I couldn't go to home right now. Orlando is there, I can't face him right now. What do I need to do. Do I need to tell him? NO! I searched for my phone. My hand was shaking so hard. I scrolled through my contacts and send Robyn a message:

We never talk about this again

Robyn was doing so weird! Why the hell did she kissed me back? I will never know and I don't even want to know. Where do I need to go? Shannon? No she will ask me too much. Angela. I drove to her house. Before I left the car I looked at myself for a sec. My crying face, I can't hide that. My lipstick wasn't on its place anymore. I did some new on and stepped out the car. I rung on the doorbell and a second later Angela opened the door. I faked a big smile. Than my eyes found Angela's pregnant belly. My dreams. The memories came back and I burst into tears, sunk through my legs, but thankfully my big sister caught me. ''what's wrong?'' she asked and helped me inside. I lay down on the sofa and just cried. Angela was surprised, but just conformed me. ''are you going to tell me where all these tears come from?'' She asked. ''my eyes'' I said with a shaking voice. My sister giggled a little. ''I mean, what's the reason'' ''I can't tell you'' I said. ''but Katybird, you can tell me everything'' She looked understanding at me. ''I'm sorry I seriously can't tell this. Can I stay over tonight?'' ''sure!'' Angela came  a little closer to me and I rested my head on her chest. I cried my heart out. I sucked it up, my whole damn life. It was perfect. Orlando and I were in love, ARE in love. We should probably marry and get kids together. But I had to kiss my best friend. My friendship with Robyn will never be the same anymore. My body shocked, more tears rolled out my eyes. Angela just comforted me, stroke my head and told me it will be okay, but this isn't going to be okay that easy. ''Kate, should we go to bed?'' Angela asked me. ''okay'' I said with a weak voice. Walking up the stairs I had myself under control again. Everything is going to be fine. If Robyn shut her mouth, nobody needs to know something, right? Tomorrow I go back to Orlando and act like nothing happened and I can say a lot but Robyn is a good kisser. I giggled a little. ''so you're okay again?'' Angela asked me. ''I think it's going to be fine'' ''good'' Angela stroke my shoulder for a second. ''goodnight'' she said and walked in her own room. ''goodnight'' I replied.

I looked at the ceiling. That feeling, that feeling I had when she kissed me. A desire for more, the jitters in my belly. It felt so good. I hadn't that with Orlando for a long time. I fell asleep with Robyn's face for my mind.

''Only 4 months left! Than you have to push out our little girl'' Robyn said. I giggled. Robyn walked closer to me. ''I'm so proud of you. you're doing so well!'' her lips got closer and we shared a kiss. Than we got into a big hug. ''I love you'' I whispered and gave a little kiss in her neck.

I shocked up. I was wet of sweat and breathed loudly. Again that dream. I took a shower and walked downstairs. Angela, Svend and Stella were already there. ''Hay auntie Katy!'' Stella yelled enthusiastic. I went down at her level and we shared a hug. ''hello beautiful princess'' ''I didn't know you stayed over'' Svend said. ''I came in really late. I just needed some hugs from my sister, but I'm leaving'' ''no! don't you want to play with my dolls with me?'' Stella sounded sad. ''I'm sorry, uncle Orlando is waiting at home for me'' ''you guys may come over this afternoon if you like to'' Angela said. ''yeah, sounds good'' they let me out. Angela gave me that 'you're going to tell me look' before she closed the door.

''Katy, thanks god. I was so worried'' Orlando took me in his arms. After that we kissed passionate. At least I tried to, but I missed a lot. I missed the excitement in my body. The desire for more, it was gone. Robyn made it so different. ''where was you tonight?'' ''just at Angela's'' I throw my Chanel back at the ground and walked into the living-room ''why didn't you came home?'' he asked, following me. ''I just needed my sister'' ''for what?'' he turned me towards him, so I was facing him. ''some girl problems'' I tried to escape out his grip. ''what problems?'' ''Orlando, you don't need to know everything'' I said and walked away. ''Katy! Stop! You are going to tell me. We shouldn't have secrets for each other! I just want to help you'' ''you can't! If I tell you this, you will forever hate me!'' ''Katheryn baby, I can't hate you!'' the look in his eyes, so honest and full question's, but I run up the stairs. I wouldn't look in his eyes anymore. It made me feel so stupid. I locked myself up in the bathroom and just cried. I sucked it up and I liked it.

A/N hii lovely readers, thank you so much you took the time for reading chapter 2. Don't forget to vote or to comment. Again a lyric as title. Going to do that always by the way. Don't worry Rihanna lovers. I'm going to use her songs too for sure, but I thought Katy's lyrics fitted the best with these chapters. xo Lotte

Diamonds/ a KatyAnna fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora