next chapter in 10 votes

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This isn't and update but its just a little bit about me lol

-I'm a mixed girl

-I have super curly hair

-I support gays, I am gay

-I'm mostly happy ( even though I have my downs)

-my middle name is Danielle

- I'm 16

-class of 2018( junior)

- my sc is alex_yuiop

-my IG is radd.alexus

- I'm single as ever because boys are weird and only go for looks lol

Well that's a little bit about me  the next update will be about the story. I don't really know if you guys are enjoying my story or not because I don't get much feed back on what I could change so let's change that yeah?? The next chapter will come in 10 votes.

P.s the pic at the top is me😂😂✌

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