Chapter 1

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"I'm on my way to hell mom!" I yelled. (Hell =school)

"Hey watch your mouth, I know you already don't like it but you only have one more year." Mom said.

God I always have to find a way to get through things on my own maybe I need help sometimes.

"Ughh whatever"

I went to get my keys and wait for my brothers to come down stairs.

"I'm almost ready to go carol" Benjamin said.

"Take your time." I said.

Anything that will make time at school shorter.

"Dear god, please let me make it through today, and not take someone's life away. I am trying so hard not to fuck someone up but damn these niglits are irritating me. Amen." I prayed.

Skip ride to school

We finally arrived at school  and I dreaded the sight of it. I see the school and instantly want to puke..

"Hey little darlin." Some boy said.

Oh its just Jonathan.. Haha

"Hi little boy." I responded.

Its nice to be polite right? I try haha.

I went to my first period and oh my god I swear I cannot stand them. It was the twins.

Way to go, day ruined...

"Tsk, look at this ugly ass girl bro. She looks like I grimlin smh." Ethan said laughing with Grayson.

I just ignored them and got on with life because who gives one flying strawberry about them? Not me obviously. I thought to myself

"The dumbass is talkting to herself now. Fucking weirdo haha." They said.

"Seriously don't you have something better to do thanks stalk me and talk Shit?" I said.

I was feeling bold at the time (don't judge).

Anyway I've been getting coached in boxing so I can finally learn how to defend myself. I'm not gonna sit there and get beat up anymore tehehe.

Ethan and Grayson just stared at me like they were shocked. Like no close your damn mouth.

"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bad this morning" Ethan said wide eyed.

I put my earphones in and turned on my life saver( or music) and focused on my work because I ain't failing for no hoe.

The bell was about to ring so of course I got ready to go I wasn't gonna waste any time leaving this class.

"I'm assigning you guys a class project. This is a home and school project. It will be due in two weeks( next Monday). Your partners are listed on the door outside." Mr. Asshelmet said.

"Aww are you serious are we allowed to work alone?" I asked hoping he would say yes.

"No you guys need to get to know each other for more projects that we have in the future." He said

God I hope I get a descent partner hopefully not one of the twins.

The bell finally rung and everyone went to the door.

Lisset and Mark
Sally and Bob
Jenna and Chris
Sam and Aj
Anna and Grayson
Josie and Johnny
Carol and Ethan

Carol and Ethan

What the heck did I do to have him as my partner I would literally accept anyone except the twins.

I am officially screwed. Fml

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