01: "Mine"

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RJ could not even remember the last time he was truly happy. He is so used to ensuring everyone's stability that sometimes he forgets to check up on himself.

Birthdays were supposed to be of celebrations and gratitude but he always puts everyone that matters to him first. They were supposed to be fun and carefree but he's so used to working his ass off that sometimes he perceives it as an ordinary day.

RJ sits in his darkened room at the stroke of midnight as always, reflecting at the year that passed; a ritual for as long as he can remember. He sits and is grateful that they survived another year; hopeful for the future.

He sighs and closes his eyes.

"Happy Birthday, RJ"

He looks at the sound of the voice and sees Maine smiling at him holding his cake. He smiles and realizes that maybe, just maybe its now time to wish something for himself.

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