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the next morning, wonwoo went to school exhausted. he sat at the table with his friends, leaning his hands on his face as hansols eyebrows then furrowed.

"dude is that a fucking hickey on your neck?" hansol asked, wonwoo then removing his hands as his eyes widened. 

"w-what? what the hell are you talking about i was home alone all night" wonwoo stated, his friends chuckling and raising their eyebrows as hansol shook his head. 

"then you obviously gave it to yourself!" minghao laughed, hansol then taking his phone out as he took a picture of wonwoos neck, showing him the screen. wonwoos eyes widened, there it was, a dark red hickey right on the side of his neck. wonwoo slapped his hand over his neck, getting up as he then stormed out of the lunchroom.

'where the hell is this bastard' wonwoo thought in his head, looking around the halls as he soon found mingyu talking to junhui by his locker. junui turned his head, nudging mingyu as he cocked his head to wonwoo. mingyu turned, rolling his eyes as junhui then walked away and left the two.

"you have an explanation for me!" wonwoo stated as mingyu crossed his arms, furrowing his eyebrows.

"an explanation for what, why are you covering your neck?" mingyu asked, clearly unamused a wonwoo then removed his hand, showing the hickey on his neck as mingyu laughed.

"wow you actually got some action?" mingyu chuckled as wonwoo pouted and tried to look intimidating.

"dont act dumb! i know you did this!"

"sweetheart, explain how the hell i was able to give you that, when i was with junhui at a concert last night?" mingyu had a cocky expression on his face as he chuckled, wonwoo then getting tongue tied.

"o-okay fine... but i know you somehow did this!" wonwoo pestered as he then walked off, leaving mingyu laughing.

wonwoo stormed away back to his friends, huffing as he sat down and got some weird looks from his friends. "you good? looks like someone took the last cookie from you" seokmin nodded as he chuckled.

"it doesnt matter.." wonwoo trailed off, then noticing that minghao was gone. he blinked a bit, then seeing the skinny boy walk back, holding a tissue to his nose.

"my nose started bleeding.." he sighed, wonwoo smiling a bit and chuckling softly. "aww minghao" he giggled.

the doors to the lunchroom then opened, mingyu and junhui then walking in. wonwoo turned his head, immediately seeing junhuis face turn to a scowl. he covered his mouth and nose, seeing mingyus face scrunch up a bit too as junhui turned his head to look at the table. his eyes went to minghao, the young chinese boy blinking a bit.

"i-is junhui looking at me?" minghao said in a stuffy voice, continuing to hold his tissue to his nose as the blood began to drip. junhui was shaking, mingyu saying something to the male as the two then quickly left the lunchroom, wonwoo sitting there with wide eyes.

"not a vampire my ass.." he mumbled everyone groaning. "did you not see the way he was staring at minghao! it looked like jun was staring at a smoking piece of steak!" wonwoo argued, seokmin rubbing the back of his neck.

"i mean.. i can kinda see it.. junhui looked extremely shaky" seokmin added.

"the dudes probably uncomfortable around blood, get over yourselves" hansol rolled his eyes, taking a sip of his water bottle.

"im gunna get more tissues.." minghao sighed, getting up and leaving once again.


lol what was this, highkey filler 

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