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ever since wonwoo had encountered jisoo, he had been curious to know more about the male. the seungcheol and jeonghan situation that had been mentioned, made wonwoo more curious.

wonwoo looked through the school website, soon stumbling upon seungcheols name. he printed out the males classes, soon making his way to find him.

later in the day, wonwoo had waited outside outside seungcheols last class. the male walked out, a smile on his face as he was talking to a couple of friends as wonwoo soon scurried one to him.

"u-um, excuse me, you're seungcheol right?" wonwoo said in a shy tone as seungcheol raised an eyebrow and then turned his head. wonwoo was a bit intimidated, hes never met seungcheol and now here he is, about to ask a question that was most likely, extremely personal.

"yeah I am, who are you" seungcheol asked in a confused tone as wonwoo gulped, now regretting his decision.

"i-i just wanted to ask a question.." wonwoo muttered out as seungcheol scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"I don't have time for this, I have better things to do" seungcheol said as he began to walk away, wonwoo panicking as he followed behind him.

"i-its about hong jisoo!" seungcheol then stopped in his steps as he heard the name, the name he hated, and dreaded. seungcheol then turned around, facing wonwoo as he looked at him with a serious expression, causing wonwoo to gulp.

"follow me, we can talk somewhere else"


wonwoo was soon at seungcheols house, sitting on the couch as seungcheol soon walked back with a glass of water in his hand, handing it to wonwoo as he sat in front of the quiet male.

"thank you.." wonwoo muttered quietly as he took the glass, taking a small sip as seungcheol nodded and locked his hands together.

"what do you want to know about hong jisoo" seungcheol spat out, wonwoo could see the hatred seungcheol had for jisoo.

"well... my boyfriend, mingyu, told me to stay away from him.. jisoo had run into us in the hallway and your name was brought up, along with someone else named jeonghan"

and that was when seungcheol tensed up even more. he gritted his teeth, taking a deep breath and looked at wonwoo.

"since middle school, I was dating a male named yoon jeonghan. he was perfect, absolutely stunning.." seungcheol started out as he chuckled, shaking his head.

"jeonghan soon became friends with jisoo, and as a boyfriend of course I was jealous. but soon, things went crazy.." wonwoo furrowed his eyebrows as he listened to seungcheol, he was more and more intrigued as seungcheol told his story.

"jeonghan slowly became distant with me, he was ruder, hed blow me off for jisoo, and much more. he'd have hickeys on his neck, so obviously he was cheating... not only that, he had holes in his neck, and I'm not the one for paranormal.. but those were bite marks" seungcheol said as he scoffed, messing up his hair.

wonwoo could see how much jeonghan meant to seungcheol, and jisoo was taking the thing he loved away.

"that's not even the worst part.. once jeonghan had completely cut me from his life, I never heard from him again. he had left the school, and I never contacted him... one day, i was leaving our baseball game, and it was dark out. I went to my truck, and then I heard a scream.. of course, being the idiot I am, I went after the scream to see what happened.."

seungcheols eyes welled up as he shook his head and rubbed his mouth, looking at wonwoo sadly.

"it was jisoo, he had killed jeonghan and then left him there to rot."

wonwoos eyes widened, there was no doubt that jisoo was most likely after himself next. jisoo not only ruined seungcheols relationship, but he also killed the one seungcheol loved.

"listen to your boyfriend, stay the fuck away from hong jisoo."


wonwoo was now home as he laid on his bed, he stared up at the ceiling as he grew more and more nervous thinking about jisoo. he had looked up police reports earlier an jeonghan, and sure enough, he found them quickly.

mingyu soon slid open the window, since wonwoo removed the lock for him, and went inside of wonwoos room. he laid beside wonwoo, seeing how stressed and in shock he was as mingyu frowned.

"you have a lot on your mind.. I can read it all" mingyu said as he turned his head to properly face wonwoo, wonwoo sighing as he turned his head and moved closer to mingyu, closing the gap between them and kissing him deeply.

they both soon pulled back after a few minutes, wonwoo pushing some of mingyus hair out of his face.

"I'm just thinking about us.. about how much I love you." wonwoo nodded as mingyu chuckled, sure that was part of what wonwoo was thinking about, but much more flooded his mind, especially jisoo.

"if jisoo touches you, I won't hesitant to kill him" mingyu said as wonwoo chuckled and smiled.

"isn't that against the law?" he nodded as mingyu rolled his eyes and shrugged. yes, wonwoo reads up on everything vampires, but he wasnt wrong. killing another vampire without proper authority, is against vampires code, which is why jisoo is dangerous, and one of the most wanted vampires.

"ill die protecting you, nothings going to stop me, not even some dumb ass law" mingyu said as wonwoo laughed and rolled on top of him, kissing him deeply.

"I know~"


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