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"We're back bitches!"

I was pushed back from the glowing light that was exploding from the drop ships door. Everyone was elbowing the small one out of the way.

When I finally regained my balance and could walk without getting pushed back, everyone was already outside.

As I stepped outside for the first time in my life, the first thing I noticed was the bright light in the sky. The sun. It gave life to everything. The dark trees, the bright greens everywhere, and the delinquents roaming the land we haven't visited in years.

I stood in the drop ship door taking in the view, the smells, the goofy guy in goggles smiling at me.

"Hey I'm Jasper." The guy walked up on the door and stuck his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm y/n," I added giggling a little bit.

"You haven't stepped on the ground, have you?"
I shook my head no.

He grabbed my hand creating tingles that spread up my arm, and gently pulled me to the edge of the drop ship.

"Let's take your first steps, shall we."

I giggled at his silliness and let go of his hand, him stepping back to give me room. I edged my feet to the very edge before turning around and giving him a smile which he returned.

Then in a puff of dirt, my feet were on the ground. For the first time since my great-great-great-grandmother.

"It's amazing isn't it," Jasper said.

I twirled around and around, a huge smile on my face. Jasper joined me, us playing in the dirt before he got really serious.

"Why did a pretty girl like you get sent down here?"

"Jasper stop hitting on her," a Asian boy said from Jasper's side.

"Oh y/n, this is my best friend Monty."

We shook hands, the blush still on my face from the previous question.

"Come over here, I have to show you guys something," Monty said motioning to a piece of wood behind a group of scrabbling people.

We all walked over to the log to a bunch of green moss. "That means there is life on Earth, we will survive," Monty pointed out.

Then two hands on their shoulders caused us all to jump. "Make that four," a shaggy brown haired guy said, completely leaving me out.

Jasper turned back around and winked at me before heading off with that group to look for food.

Little did I know it would the last time he would look at me for a long time.

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