Chapter Twenty Seven

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Albus Dumbeldore was not a happy camper, no sir he wasn't.
He was annoyed, even if no one could see beyond his grandfatherly smile and twinkling blue eyes.
First, he found out that Charles wasn't the real-boy-who-lived.
Then, when he sereched for the real  chosen one, he came across a vampire.
A bloody blood sucker.
And Harry, poor, poor Harry that  was turned and brainwashed.
The old ~too old~ headmaster of Hugwarts saw the anguish in the Potter's face when the raven haired boy rejected them.
That stupid, stupid boy who kept ruining his plan!
His plan was perfect!!! {AN|3 !!!, Anyone saw Yoi?? Go Yurio!!!, I'm sorry on with the story..}
Charles would have destroyed little Tommy, and like the good little soldier, he would have given Albus all of the credit and then he would have been the most powerful wizard in the world, and everyone would have loved him for it, all of them listening to him and doing whatever he pleased without a question, and the best thing about it?
None of them would have suspected him!!!
His perfect plan.
By a blood sucker.

Not mine
We're sure are getting close to the end..
Just a headstart
Love ya!!!

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