Chapter one

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Louis P.O.V

It was all my fault.

I brought it upon myself, my mum always told me to avoid those places at night. I never listened. I failed her, now it's too late to apologise. I'm trying hard to make you proud, I hope you're watching over us, I miss you mum.

Anyway, like I said it was all my fault, I deserved it, I deserved every kick, slap and punch my body my received. I deserved it all. I'm the reason I was raped, nobody else.


I decided to take a shortcut and walk through the alleys just to ensure that I wasn't late for meeting Niall. I took out my phone and started scrolling through Facebook and I wasn't surprised when it was all the same drama as usual. A girl moaning over heartbreak, a mother complaining over her children bickering and a teenage boy posting the latest football scores. Just as I was about to turn a corner and go through another alley there was a rough tug at my arm which caused me to stagger and fall harshly to the floor, it made a sharp feeling curse through my body and caused me to hiss in pain.

I struggled and wrestled violently to try and get away from the person holding me in a bone breaking grip, it was no use. I was pinned to the cold, hard ground trying to scream at the top of
my lungs for someone to find me or to phone the police. I gave up trying to scream as it only caused the black, mysterious figure to land a punch right in the centre of my jaw. I attempted to pull my hand away instinctively to cup my jaw to hope the pain would subside.

Move. Slap. Move. Punch. Move. Kick. It was an ongoing cycle, every time I moved a hit would land on my body, no denying it would be leaving bruises. I reached for my phone in desperation and that's when I immediately regretted my decision, the figure flipped my body over and pushed my face into the ground, grazing my skin and drawing blood. It was then I heard the sound that nobody wants to hear, the zipper of their trousers coming down and their pants following just after and most definitely their underwear. I screamed and begged and cried in a plea of help, nobody came. My body was numb, my skin was bruised and there was no doubt my mind was broken.

I was defenceless, laying on the ground with tears streaming down my cheeks. It wasn't until after 10 minutes of my body being numb I realised the person left. I crawled over to the wall to stand up and balance my body weight against it. I tried to walk but there was a noticeable limp, I wanted to hide it but I couldn't. I pushed the pain aside and set my mind on getting home, I grabbed my phone off the floor and slid it in my back pocket. I ran and didn't look back, I was heading straight home and had no second thought about it.

I had arrived at home and slammed my door closed and slid down the back of it and pulled my hair in frustration while allowing the tears to fall freely down my face. I stood up and walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower on the hottest possible temperature, I was going to get rid of this persons presence lingering all over my body, I felt disgusting, dirty and used. I must have at least been in the shower for half an hour before there was a loud bang on my door, I decided to ignore it. Whoever it was didn't cross my mind at this time. My skin was red and blood was starting to drip, I didn't care, I wanted them gone. The door knocked again and I then realised that I was supposed to be meeting Niall, I still didn't stop showering, knowing Niall would get bored and eventually leave.

All these thoughts were running round my head and I couldn't do it anymore I slid down and curled up in a ball in the bath while the water was running down my skin, giving the occasional burn when it touched the open cuts. The tears were still steaming, my eyes were red and puffy and my cheeks were tear strained. All I could think was that perhaps that's the reason they did it to me, is because I'm worthless, ugly and disgusting. My vision started to blur as the tears wouldn't stop and clouded my eyes and that all I could see and hear was tears and the muffled sound of choked sobs leaving my mouth before my bathroom door came falling in.

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