Chapter 4

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Nialls POV

Louis has had constant nightmares for the past week and seems pretty traumatised. I just wish he would talk to me so I can help him. Things have gone to far, I need to ring Dan and get him to try and see if he can get the problem out of Louis. I pulled out my phone and dialled his number, it still being in my phone from when Louis lost his keys and needed picking up, after three rings he answered "Dan, hey it's Niall. I was wonderimg if you could come down, Louis is  pretty traumatised and wont speak to me" He replied with "Erm the girls are on break from school so I'll get them ready and come down" I sighed in relief. Louis was still upstairs in the shower, he had started having two a day and again won't tell me why.

*After Dan has arrived*

"He's upstairs Dan,  I'll watch the girls whilst you go talk to him" I stated as Dan made his way up the stairs.  Dan returned minutes later with a sad look on his face. " How did it go?" I mused curiously. With regret in his voice, Dan said "I asked him whats wrong and he started shaking violently. Repeating  "I deserved it" Dan said sadly. I replied, "Just try again after a little while." Moments later Louis came down crying. "I'm ready to tell you everything," He stated bravely. Me and Dan pulled out a chair each as he pulled out one opposite us. "Well, it all started when I was on my way to meet Niall. I took a shortcut down an alley and as I was walking I felt eyes watching me, ignoring it I carried on walking. Nearing the end of the alley I felt cold hands pull my arm and as I tried to yank it back the mysterious man tightened his grip. He pushed me on the floor and landed hit after hit on my body and I couldn't stop him. He flipped me over and pushed my head to the floor. I then heard a zipper go down and my heart stopped beating. After he had had his way with me I staggered home and washed his presence off my body. It was all my fault. Mum warned me Dan, I didn't listen and now it's too late to say sorry to her." Dan and Niall sat there in shock staring at me with emotion filled eyes, Dan had tears rolling down his cheeks. He moved his hand across the table and placed it on top of mine speaking comforting words "It's okay Louis, it's not your fault and I know better than anything that your mum is proud of you for being this strong and battling it on your own. Don't ever doubt yourself my boy, we love you. All of us do." Louis didn't reply after that, he just give as a one sided smile which we all knew was forced. But who could blame him?

louis POV

I had told them everything. I tried to keep my walls up but they just came crashing down. I couldn't hold it in anymore. They know my darkest secret I had kept for just over a week.
Seeing as it was 10:00 pm and Dan had took the girls to bed before I had poured my heart out to them, I headed upstairs to get some well needed rest. I hadn't slept in two days in fear of having a nightmare of what the masked figure did to me. It was haunting me, I still have the bruises that show what he did and the memories of the night I had lost my innocence of which I was saving for the right person. With my thoughts, I drifted into dream land well for me nightmare land and waited what was ahead of me.

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