Chapter 5

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Nialls pov

"Maybe we should suggest he goes to see a therapist" Dan said hesitantly. With concern in my voice, I replied "We know he won't like it but it's for the best. I'll let you do the persuading." With a forced chuckle he answered "Ahh, thanks Niall." With I smug grin and laughter I said "You're welcome Dan, it's what I'm here for."

With that Dan nervously went to the front room, to speak to Louis. Lottie, who find out last night, got the drift and took the girls to the nearest Park. I stayed in the kitchen whilst Dan went to talk to Louis about therapy.

Dans POV

"Louis i need to talk to you about something don't be mad ok?" I spoke unsurely. He nodded in response so i began straight away. " Louis, I think you should see a therapist to get you though this. I know you're hurting and still have the memory burned in your mind but I think speaking to a professional would help you a lot more than we can." I said to him,He was unresponsive for a moment and I got worried. He slowly rose and looked me straight in the eyes and said " YOU THINK I'M CRAZY?! I'M NOT SEEING A THERAPIST JUST SO THEY CAN SEND ME AWAY THEY WON'T HELP. I CAN STILL FEEL HIM ON ME WHAT WILL THEY DO ABOUT THAT." My heart shattered as Louis fell to the ground and wrapped his arms protectively around himself while choked sobs escaped his lips, he whispered out to me "Please Dad, please don't make me see one" I honestly considered not letting him go, he looked so fragile and distraught. It caused me physical pain to see him like this. The words "please Dad" repeated in my head, he's never called me dad before. I shook away my thoughts and decided on what's best for him and I know if my gorgeous angel Johanna was still here she'd do the same and want what's best for him. In my worry filled voice I said, "Louis. I think it will really help you, just give it a try, if not for me, for your mum or your sisters and your friends and most importantly for yourself." As soon as I finished my sentence, Louis took off and ran straight up the stairs. Me and Niall,who had arrived when louis shouted, ran to chase him but we weren't fast enough. He made it to his room and locked the door just as we reached the top of the stairs. "Louis,please come out keeping it to your self won't help we want whats best for you" Niall said to his bestfreind. "No. No you don't you just want to send me away so I'm less of a burden to you, please dont send me away" he replied weakly. It caused a pang right in my chest and heart to hear those words come from my eldest boy, I could never send him away. I love him too much.

Louis POV

"Louis, I need to speak to you about something don't be mad ok?" Dan asked unsurely. I nodded, motioning for him to continue. "Louis. I think you should see a therapist to get you through this, I know your hurting and still have the memory burned in your mind but I think speakimg to a specialist would help you more than we can " Dan said in a kind of scared tone. He thinks im crazy he wants to send me away how could he? I trusted him to help me, not get someone else to do it "YOU THINK IM CRAZY IM NOT SEEING A THERAPIST JUST SO THEY CAN SEND ME AWAY THEY WON'T HELP I CAN STILL FEEL HIM ON ME WHAT WILL THEY DO ABOUT THAT," "Please Dad. Please don't make me see me one" I fell to the floor and wrapped my arms around myself and let the tears fall, there was no point in trying not to, everyone already knew how weak I was. Dan then told me that I need to do this if not for him, for my mum and sisters or my friends and if not them then for myself, after he finished I bolted up the stairs to my bedroom with Niall and Dan just behind, I luckily managed to get in my room and lock the door as they reached the top of the stairs. I backed up to the wall furthest away from the door and curled up in a ball. Thinking about everything going around my head, my breaths became shorter and it felt as though the walls were closing in on me. I felt dizzy and that's all I could remember as I passed out. "Dan, he has been in there a while now. I hope he's ok" an irish voice woke me from my blackout. I unlocked the door and looked at both of them. I had finally come to the decision that I do need help. I cautiously said "I think I could try one therapist appointment. Only if one of you stay by my side all the way through it." They both nodded happily and immediatly scheduled an appointment for me. I'm completely dreading this appointment.

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