Chapter 3

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"Stop, please!"
"Let me go!"
"Don't touch me!"
"Please! I'm begging you!"

His brown eyes were looking into mine while he made the move nobody wants, he started unzipping his trousers. "HELPPPP!" I scream in desperation, attempting one last time for someone to come and find me. Wrong move. CRACK! A punch just landed on my jaw, most likely moving out of place. He's touching me, touching me in places he shouldn't be. I'm so scared. Please someone help me, I think as a tear slowly rolls down my cheek and more begin to follow.

The floor is cold and grazing my skin every time he drags me along it, he has power over me. I'm useless, powerless and helpless. "Why me? Why me?!" I try screaming, it comes out as a barely a whisper. Why can nobody hear me?? My throats clenches and becomes dry as I no longer have control of the salted tears pouring from my eyes. He moves his hand forward and places it on my shoulder.

I jolted awake and looked around my room and realised that I was having the nightmare again. There was still a hand on my shoulder and I turned to notice it was Niall, his face looked so puzzled and confused. I wish I could tell him, but I can't. It might happen again, he could come and find me. I break down into uncontrollable sobs and just manage to get out to Niall, "I'm so sorry Niall, I really wish I could tell you."  Niall instantly replies in a soothing voice " No, no, no. Lou, it's okay. You can tell me in your own time and whenever you feel like you're ready. We have time, Louis. I'm not planing on leaving, not now, not ever."

Niall shushes me and pulls me closer to his chest while running his fingers through my hair. My breaths slowly even themselves at and the tears eventually stop, I was still cuddled closely to Niall with my head under his shoulder, held tightly to his chest while he crossed a protective arm over me and I laid my arm on his stomach. We were cuddled close and I was so thankful to have Niall here for me and I hope one day I could build up the courage to tell him the reason he has to do this most nights.

That was my last thought before I fell soundly to sleep, feeling safe and protected, hoping the nightmare wouldn't return.

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