Chapter 2

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Nialls POV

Louis was meant to meet me half an hour ago, I'm really worried he's never one to be late. I rang his phone for the tenth time and it went straight to voicemail, again. Now I know something is definitely wrong, he always answers the phone. With my heart pounding against my rib cage i made my way to Louis' house. After a good ten minute walk I arrived at Louis' house and the door was wide open so I took it as an oppurtunity to go inside. "Lou?" I called out and recieved no answer it was only then I heard running water. I waited downstairs for another hour and still Louis hadn't made an appearance so I wandered my way up the stairs and pressed my ear against the bathroom door to hear muffled sobs disguised by the water. I tried the handle and it wouldn't open so i became really worried to what had happened to my best friend and what was behind the closed door. I kicked the door down to see a broken louis in the bath tub with red arms from the burning temperature of the water. I turned off the shower faucet and placed one arm under his legs and supported his head with my other arm and hoisted him up. He wimpered as his head came in contact with my chest. I placed him on his bed where he immediatly curled up in a ball. I opened his drawer and pulled out a pair of briefs for him to wear. "Lou I'm going to dress you now ok" he gave no answer. I pulled his legs up ready to dress him and he flinched "it was all my fault i deserved it all I'm sorry I failed you mum" with him saying them words it broke my heart. What does he mean he deserved it all? I was shook from my thoughts to see Louis shaking vigurously and breathing heavily I then realised he was having a panic attack. I pulled him close and rocked hin until even breaths left his mouth, he was alseep. I covered him up, left the room and turned the light off of heading to the spare room incase he needs me in the morning. I drifted off to sleep as Louis' words replayed in my head " i deserved  it all."

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