Is This Love?

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My whole live I've felt 2nd place or even less than that
And no it's not that I wasn't the fastest or anything like that
No I mean how much I meant to people
You may call me selfish
But my whole life I never felt like I was the most important to anyone
I always was In a sense the back up plan
When ever their 1st place wasn't there or busy doing something
That's when they hung out with me
All my friends had a best friend that wasn't me
Even my best friend I was always 2nd to whoever they were dating at the time
Always there to pick them up when their relationship falls apart.
Then I met her.
The one who made me feel like the most important person in the world
Just by having a conversation with her
Whenever I talk to her we could talk for hours
No days
And the conversation would never get boring or stale
Like our minds are linked
And we know exactly the right thing to say
Which is odd because we both struggle with conversations
But the question I ask myself
Everytime we talk is
Is this love?

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