The Tale of The Forgotten Boy

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There once was a boy
Or was it a girl
The story differs
Depending on who you ask
Some say it was a blond girl
Who knew nothing but kindness
Others say it was a nerdy boy
Who was as wise as an owl
No matter your version
Some things stay the same
Such as to many they were a friend
Until they were quickly
The story repeats
When ever they met new friends
This person helped them be strong
But once they weren't needed
The friends would just move along
But then they met a special someone
Who filled all their thoughts
This someone made them smile
Just being in their presence
They would count down the days
Until they saw this someone again
They were more than content
With their friendship with the someone
But they wondered if
their heart wanted more
So please special someone
Don't soon forget
The forgotten boy
Who might've been a girl

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